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Nation of Islam tests Scientology waters
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Blogs - Thoughtful
Monday, 04 April 2011 03:07
by Thoughtful

As you may have heard, Louis Farrakhan is encouraging his members to discover and utilize Scientology to help each other and to make a better world.


For the few hundred people who have so far learned a little Dianetics, that is great news.

But that doesn’t mean Independent Scientologists should back down in our efforts to force the Church to follow the fundamentals of its own philosophy… on the contrary, there is now even more reason to step up our efforts to protect the public at large.

The CoS must apply real LRH Scientology all the time and universally.

Inside skinny

Here is the embarrassing (to the CoS) inside skinny. The orgs, being moribund due to having driven off older Scientologists thanks to the org’s continual illegal and corrupt practices, are beginning to experience a new influx of Moslems who want to study LRH. Most of them are studying Dianetics and some are moving on beyond that.

But if you really want to know what’s going on at org level, then you need to talk to staff. And I have.

Every Moslem on course in any Scientology org is tagged in the computer as “NOI” meaning “Nation of Islam.” The tag means “HANDS OFF!” to all staff and that order comes straight from the top (David Miscavige). NOI people are not to be crush sold for illegal Idle Org donations. They are not to be crush sold for illegal donations to the IAS. They are not to be crush sold for donations to the Super Power project. No one can touch them. But it's mandatory for everyone else!

How do I know all this? I got it straight from a Class V org staff member who quit the CoS only days ago and has joined the ranks of Independent Scientology. It was a great chance to peer behind the curtain and have a look at the Wonderful Wizard... so wonderful that in this particular Ideal Org -- announced in grand style last year by David Miscavige -- two weeks ago the power company nearly shut off the power because the org was unable to pay their electric bill. But in true Miscavige style, they made it go right: hitting up the staff members themselves (who haven't been getting paid) for money to keep the lights on. Way to go David Miscavige and his Idle Org program! That's really taking Scientology to the streets. Or maybe into the gutter. Not only that, but in answer to a query as to why there aren't any public coming into the org, the Public Contact Secretary said, "The FSMs just don't come in any more." I wonder why?

Tagged as NOI

So what do you think is happening with these people from the Nation of Islam?

Well, since they are actually being allowed to go into the CoS and do their services without interruptions or distractions -- the way LRH intended new public to be treated --  they are in fact experiencing Scientology the way LRH intended. So in the main, I have it from my source that they are actually pretty pleased so far with Scientology. Their experience has been good. 

Now can you imagine that?

With a gigantic new influx of students and pcs and money, the CoS is finally doing what we’ve been trying to get them to do since early 2009.

The only problem is, the CoS is doing it selectively.

If you are not part of the Nation of Islam, then you are fair game and the IAS sales crews will even show up at your home or business demanding you give every last cent and then some as happened with Rex Fowler, correct me if I’m wrong. So that’s pretty messed up.

The CoS needs to treat everyone according to how LRH set down in Policy. The guiding reference for how to treat new people is HCO PL Gradient Scale of Personnel Procurement.
  • New people are supposed to buy and read books.
  • Book buyers are encouraged to get auditing.
  • PCs are encouraged to get onto training.
  • Auditors are encouraged to become Field Staff Members or field auditors or start groups or join staff.
And that’s how it works per LRH.

Notice no where does LRH ever say anyone is to be regged for straight donations for anything for any reason. The ONLY source of CoS income is (click to see the LRH reference) sales of auditing, training and books.

So to those members of the Nation of Islam who are now discovering LRH tech, welcome. But do not go into the Church like a wide-eyed virgin, trusting that everyone is going to follow LRH.  Watch your back because the guy who took over the Church of Scientology after LRH has a very, very, very bad record of physical, mental, and spiritual abuse.

Always observe to observe and have the courage to say what you have observed. Per LRH, what is true for you in Scientology is what’s true for YOU. And if you see something that does not make sense, speak up. You’ll be glad you did.

Miscavige brand VIP treatment

For the rest of us, here is what I predict sly Miscavige will do. He will make sure these public get the “ideal experience” normally reserved only for VIPs. He’s been doing it for years. It is, after all, his op basis:

1. Apply standard Scientology to gain people’s trust.
2. Once trust is established, employ Scientology in reverse to damage their integrity, break their will and make them into Degraded Beings*.
3. Extract everything possible out of them and never give a second thought to their personal welfare.
4. If you can’t break them, then discredit them.

*From HCOPL, “Alter-Is and Degraded Beings” of 22 March 1967:

“A degraded being is not a suppressive as he can have case gain. But he is so PTS that he works for suppressives only. He is a sort of super-continual PTS beyond the reach, really, of a simple S&D and handled only at Section III OT Course. …

“In an area where suppression has been very heavy for long periods, people become degraded beings. However, they must have been so before already due to track incidents.

“Some thetans are bigger than others. None are truly equal. But the degraded being is not necessarily a natively bad thetan. He is simply so PTS and has been for so long that it requires our highest-level tech to finally undo it after he has scaled up all our grades.

“Degraded beings are about eighteen to one over Big Beings in the human race (minimum ratio). ...

“This is really OT data, but we need it at lower levels to get the job done.”

So what the NOI people are actually experiencing is NOT standard Scientology at all. It is artificial. What these NOI people don’t realize is that they are being treated differently from everyone else.

This is how Miscavige creates people he can use. It’s called, “Fake ‘em out.”

What does Manipulator Miscavige plan to do with them? Who knows. One possibility is that the CoS has finally “come to their senses” and decided to stop being suppressive. If so, they must follow Steps A to E. Since they haven’t even vaguely started to do that, this is definitely not in the realm of possibilities right now.

Other more plausible possibilities based on past performance include,

1. Miscavige is going to unleash his IAS hit squads and drain these people of every last cent as soon as he has won over their trust.

2. When the time is right, Miscavige will send in his body snatchers to recruit their unwitting children and once on staff, employ Scientology in reverse to turn them into degraded beings.

3. Miscavige plans to use the Nation of Islam against his enemies and the media. Think Eric Cartman, the overweight, spoiled, lazy, foul-mouthed, mean-spirited, racist, sexist, anti-semitic, sociopathic, narcissistic, and ill-tempered fourth-grader living with his mother in the fictional town of South Park.

4. Miscavige is hoping to gain subsidies and financial support directly from the coffers of NOI.

5. All the above.

As they say down in Africa, “The leopard does not change her spots.”

Written by Thoughtful
An Open Letter from James R. Lewis PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Wednesday, 19 January 2011 20:48

I received the following letter yesterday from James R. Lewis, a religious scholar who has written several papers on the Church of Scientology. I am publishing his article in full without alteration. - Thoughtful

18 January 2011

An Open Letter to:

Scientologists, Ex-Scientologists, and Critics of the Church of Scientology

James R. Lewis

[This letter may be re-posted, as long as it is reproduced in full, without alteration. JRL]

I am an academician and a specialist in the field of new religious movements. Particularly during my early career, much of my research focused on the alternative religions that have been labeled “cults,” and on the controversies in which they have been involved. Though I have sometimes been criticized as a “cult apologist,” in point of fact my views on such groups are nuanced and often critical (in this regard, refer, for example, to my online essay, “Safe Sects?” http://www.religioustolerance.org/safe_sec.htm). It should especially be noted that my views on these matters generally conform to the consensus views of mainstream scholars of new religions (i.e., my views are not unique to me). As an academician, my primary audience has been other academicians. Thus, over the years, I have ignored the often ad hominem criticisms that have been leveled against me online by individuals involved in the cult controversy.

However, two things have happened in recent years that have prompted me to address these matters – particularly as they involve the Church of Scientology (CoS) – in a more personal way: (1) My edited collection on Scientology, published by Oxford University Press in 2009, had the effect of raising my profile in the cult controversy. (2) As the result of the defection of large numbers of upper level Scientologists, the Church of Scientology has received increasing media attention – which has had the effect of calling further attention to my Scientology anthology. Thus it seems that circumstances have been pushing me to set forth some of my views on CoS – both academic and personal – in a public way. Hence the current “open letter,” which I hope will be widely distributed (and not quoted out of context).

I should preface my remarks by noting that academicians are ill-suited to participate directly in public controversies, in part because, as a group, we do not think in sound bites. Also, in almost any controversy, all sides of the conflict tend to boil issues down to black-and-white, good-vs.-evil terms, and sometimes adopt a belligerent attitude of “you’re either for us or against us.” I anticipated this reaction when, in the introduction to the Scientology anthology, I asserted that “This volume will...likely end up pleasing no one engaged in the Scientology/anti-Scientology conflict....”

Predictably, critics trashed the book as a public relations exercise, “obviously” paid for by the Church of Scientology. However – as any informed observer could easily have anticipated – CoS hated the collection, particularly the Xenu chapter, which one of my former contacts in the Church characterized as “blasphemy.” Another chapter described CoS’s attempts to suppress scholarship that the Church viewed as presenting Scientology in a negative light. And there were other critical evaluations peppered throughout the text. But, because the book as a whole was not a negative exposé, many anti-Scientologists dismissed the whole collection as a “whitewash.” For its part, the Church of Scientology soon stopped communicating with me altogether, meaning that I have probably been re-categorized as an SP as a direct result of my book.

In this Open Letter, I will not rehearse the social-scientific analysis of the cult controversy that is the consensus view of mainstream new religion researchers. Rather, I will focus the discussion on my evolving understanding of the Church of Scientology.

Neither I nor the great majority of new religions specialists view ourselves as defenders of groups like Scientology. Rather, we are interested in understanding social-psychological processes and the dynamics of social conflict. The fact that many of our analyses undermine the more simplistic accusations leveled against controversial new religions makes it appear to critics caught up in black-and-white thinking that we have made a conscious choice to defend “cults.” However, to the extent that we have chosen to defend anything, we understand ourselves as defending good science against bad science, and, in some cases, as defending religious liberty against the threat to religious liberty posed by the least sophisticated forms of anti-cultism.

My orientation to the study of new religions is informed by the fact that, for three years in my early twenties, I was a member of a controversial new religion, Yogi Bhajan’s 3HO (I have recently described my defection from 3HO in an online article, “Autobiography of a Schism” http://www.uni-marburg.de/fb03/ivk/mjr/pdfs/2010/articles/lewis_2010.pdf). Though I held certain negative feelings toward my former organization after my exit, these feelings were on par with the feelings one might have about one’s ex-spouse following a divorce (i.e., bad, but not extraordinary). Additionally, I had a number of positive experiences during my term of membership in 3HO that served to balance out my negative experiences.

When I first became interested in the cult controversy as a subject of academic inquiry in the mid 1980s, I was struck by the uniformly negative picture painted by “deprogrammed” ex-members of controversial groups – a picture that contrasted sharply with the mixed evaluation I had formed of 3HO. I suspected these negative evaluations were shaped, at least in part, by the deprogramming experience itself. So I surveyed former members – both deprogrammed and non-deprogrammed – and found that the data strongly supported my hypothesis. (In this regard, refer, for example, to my “Apostates and the Legitimation of Repression,” Sociological Analysis 49:4. 1989, and my “Reconstructing the ‘Cult’ Experience,” Sociological Analysis 42:2. 1986. Parts of these papers reappeared in my Legitimating New Religions. 2003.)

I first made contact with the Church of Scientology during this period for the purpose of locating former Scientologists to whom I could send questionnaires (this never worked out because of CoS’s ill-conceived policy of disconnecting itself from ex-members). A few years later, the Scientology organization became enthusiastic about the conclusions I had reached, and later referred to my research in some of its legal cases – in large part due to the fact that this research called into question the hostile testimony of deprogrammed former Scientologists.

CoS subsequently decided that I was an ‘ally’ (a quasi-technical term within the universe of exotic Church jargon). From that point forward, I was sometimes (but not frequently) asked to write letters of support, usually in response to specific conflicts. I was also once asked to testify as an expert witness in a Scientology court case (to which I agreed, though I never did testify). Additionally, during the years I lived in Santa Barbara, California, I attended various Church events, particularly events at the Hollywood Celebrity Center. Finally, during the ten years I lived in the Midwest, I regularly invited Scientologists from the Chicago Org to speak in my university classes. (As part of my approach to teaching courses on new religions, I invited representatives of many different groups to speak in my classes – not just Scientologists.)

I was, of course, aware of CoS’s unpleasant history, particularly its often vicious attacks on perceived enemies. But, as I got to know Scientologists on a personal basis, I was informed – and came to believe – that the illegal and truly onerous attacks had been discontinued following the dissolution of the Guardian’s Office in 1983. (Unfortunately, the systematic harassment of high-profile ex-members and other critics has become de rigueur in recent years.) And while I disliked certain aspects of Scientology – particularly certain aspects of the Scientology organization – my personal experiences with Scientologists over the course of the past two dozen years have been generally quite positive. As a result of my recent book and as a result of this letter, they may never speak to me again, but I still like and respect almost everyone I knew within the Church.

One aspect of the organization that particularly impressed me was the Church’s social outreach activities, such as the Literacy Crusade and Criminon. Though often dismissed by critics as “front groups,” or as elaborate PR exercises, it is clear that, at Source, these activities are serious enterprises. At several junctures over the years of my acquaintance with CoS, I even requested support for undertaking an academic study of these enterprises. These requests were always denied (for which, in hindsight, I am exceedingly grateful).

I was not prompted to re-think my basic evaluation of the Church of Scientology until relatively recently. This came about as a consequence of several different factors:

(1) The defection of large numbers of long-time, high-ranking Scientologists, who reported intensive abuse at the highest levels of the Church. I am aware that CoS’s position on this has been to deny everything, and to accuse these ex-members of conspiring to concoct a negative picture of events. I find the official response unconvincing.

(2) The sacking of Heber Jentzsch. I knew Heber from when I first began to communicate with CoS in the mid 1980s. I respected him and came to regard him as someone I could trust. Retrospectively, I can now see that my evaluation of Heber significantly shaped my evaluation of the Church. So when he was taken off the front lines and consigned to some dungeon (figuratively speaking) in Gilman Hot Springs, it served to confirm, to my mind, what the high-ranking defectors were saying.

(3) The marketing of “new editions” of L. Ron Hubbard’s basic works. New, slightly “corrected” editions of Hubbard’s basic books have been issued, and Scientologists have been asked to purchase as many sets of volumes as possible so that complete sets can be donated to libraries across the globe. This has been done in the name of the utopian ideal of “clearing the planet.” But placing books in libraries seems an ill-conceived strategy for spreading any sort of message in a digital age. I was a guest at a Scientology workshop not too many years ago where I observed the very hard-sell tactics used to unload these multi-volume sets. It was transparent that this was a fund-raising ploy rather than an effective strategy for disseminating the message. Though I know Scientology has regularly been accused of using unethical methods for raising money, I felt that this was a particularly disingenuous tactic – and yet another symptom of the dysfunctionality of the Church’s top leadership.

This Open Letter is not an apology for anything I have written in the past on Scientology or on the cult controversy. I stand by, and am quite happy with, my body of work up to this point. Rather, in light of new information I have been receiving on the Church of Scientology, there are certain aspects of my scholarship that I would like to clarify and supplement as they bear on the current controversy.

In the first place, I should say that the only article-length paper I have ever written on CoS is my chapter on the growth of the Church in the Scientology anthology. In that piece, I criticized the claim that Scientology was the “fastest growing religion in the world,” but I also painted a picture of an expanding organization enjoying healthy growth. Though the statistics I collected (from the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Canada, and New Zealand) did not go beyond 2001, more recent data from the 2006 New Zealand and Australian censuses have continued to support this picture.

However, current events have completely overturned my evaluation of the CoS as a rapidly expanding religion. The relatively recent defection of large numbers of long-time, high-level Scientologists – some of the organization’s most experienced administrators and others with expertise in delivering the highest levels of Scientology technology – bodes poorly for the future of the Church. In particular, the pattern of solid growth I analyzed just a few years ago seems suddenly to have ground to a halt.

According to the pseudonymous ‘Plockton,’ who claims to have contacted ARIS (American Religious Identification Survey) researchers directly, the ARIS estimate for the number of Scientologists in the U.S. for 2008 was 25,000. (I referred to ARIS data in my chapter on the growth of Scientology.) This contrasts sharply with the 55,000 figure from the 2001 ARIS survey. (“2008 ARIS Study on Scientology Membership in US – Important Data.” Posted March 28, 2009 at: http://ocmb.xenu.net/ocmb/viewtopic.php?t=30372.) The drop in total numbers was likely less dramatic than these figures indicate (due to sampling issues discussed by Plockton in his posting).

In 2011, there will be new national censuses in the UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, all of which will produce figures for total numbers of self-identified Scientologists. So by 2012, it will be relatively simple to contrast these numbers with prior census data. The figures derived from these comparisons will indicate whether membership in the Church of Scientology is growing or declining. Assuming the latter, these statistics should decisively refute David Miscavige’s claim that, under his leadership, CoS has become “the fastest growing religion in the world.”

Secondly, I have seen my research on former members of controversial new religions misrepresented. To clarify what should already have been transparent: The central point of comparison in my several articles on new religion apostates was between deprogrammed ex-members and other ex-members who left their respective movements on their own, without outside intervention. As mentioned earlier, I found a highly significant difference in the post-involvement attitudes of these two sets of apostates, a difference that called into question the veracity of statements made by deprogrammed ex-members about the religious groups to which they had belonged. My questionnaire data had nothing to say about individuals who defected without this kind of an intervention, except that they were likely more objective about their membership period than their deprogrammed counterparts. So, to be perfectly clear: anyone who cites my conclusions about deprogrammees as a way of dismissing the testimony of voluntary defectors – including the testimony of individuals who left the Church of Scientology – is either consciously misrepresenting my work or stupid.

Finally, another criticism leveled against the Scientology anthology was that it should have included a chapter on ex-Scientologists, and perhaps another chapter on the Freezone. I think this is an appropriate critique. I will therefore be undertaking systematic research on former Scientologists and on the Freezone – research that will be reported in future publications. If any ex-CoS members reading this Open Letter think they might be interested in participating in this project, please contact me at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

James R. Lewis


DM's fifth column fails again PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Wednesday, 03 November 2010 08:46

Following up on the attack on Marty's website yesterday, now someone going by the name LT has shown his true colors by sending out some idiotic propaganda this morning in the form of an email from " This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ."

He says "We, the Independents, have been deceived." Oh yeah, right... "There is no large-scale independent movement as Marty as tried to sell us." He says he's "really disturbed" because the Indie movement is really only 7 1/2 people using hundreds or even thousands of pen names.

You know, there is stupid and then there is David Miscavige.

There is missing the boat and then there is missing the entire ocean.

Obviously the CoS robots are under orders to not-is the size of the Indie movement because, as per usual, their reliance upon DM's convoluted Frankenfurter brain + his complete inability to select the correct target + the idea that the Indie movement is actually helping people (which drives him wild)... instead of using LRH's Data Series has led them to a wrong Why. Apparently they think the only reason the Indie movement exists is because "We, the Independents" think it is a "big movement."

For once it's actually true that size doesn't matter. The size of the Indie movement is irrelevant. What does matter is our message.

The reason the Indie movement has caught on and continues to grow is because it is based on a correct Why.

The handling for the Church is to blow the whistle on the subversion of the Church of Scientology by a corrupt self-appointed sociopathic dictator. The program is to get in Ethics. The purpose is to reopen the Bridge which has been slammed shut by out tech, out ethics and off policy actions all emanating from David Miscavige.

It all started with Scientology-cult and it continues to grow. Scientology cult was the first application of LRH's multiple viewpoint system where Scientologists could blow the whistle and start pulling the overts (exposing the crimes) of the Church of Scientology. To date, we have impinged and have forced large changes to take place: including getting them to knock off some of the forced abortions, and extortion of ex-staff through illegal freeloader's debts. Yet the organization continues to commit continual new overts daily. So we have a lot more ethics to get in before the this organization shows any faintest glimmer of sanity.

Scientologists have joined the Indie movement because they agree with the purpose as stated above; because they are sick and tired of the abuse and corruption and stealing of their money; and because the fundamentals of Scientology include "doing something about it"; making a safe environment; and having the courage to state what you have observed. Scientology is all about auditing; so we are auditing. It is about truth; so we are simply embracing that.

The Church of Scientology is NOT what LRH envisioned. It is about as off purpose as it could possibly be, handing out free lightbulbs to passers by in San Francisco to lure them in for a "tour." Raping parisioners for every last cent and stealing their children, too. They have no routes for new people in because DM has poisoned the Church's image and because today the Church has failed to deliver so the public stay away in droves. So much so, that now DM orders his Golden Era Productions to hire hundreds of non-Scientology "extras" (actors) to fill in empty seats at the last 2009 IAS Event.

The torch of Scientology and all it represents has passed to Independent hands.


Pour it on! PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Sunday, 18 July 2010 21:37

is-fullTruth makes friends in all places. The strongest people in this world -- that's what they stand for.

I received an email today from an individual who has been following our struggle in Scientology-cult, Marty's blog, Jeff's blog, Amy's blog and more.  As she explained, her name is Spike and she posted a song on YouTube to salute the spirit of Independent Scientology and the FreeZone. Although she is not a Scientologist herself, she supports our struggle against Miscavige and so wrote this song, inspired by a phrase in one of the "Little Dickie" stories. I thought it was a terrific work of art and I think you will get a bang out of it like I did so here she is performing "Pour it on":


Spike spoke about the song on her new blog which you can visit here. Here is what she said:

Now that I’ve got a blog of my own, I can post this song I wrote for Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder, Amy Scobee, Jeff Hawkins, Steve Hall, and all the other Independent Scientologists and FreeZoners. Your struggle has inspired me. Pour it on!

Here’s the lyrics:

Pour It On

Pour it on, pour it on, pour it on, pour it on

As the rushing water wears away the stone,

Pour it on, pour it on, pour it on, pour it on

Wash away the lies and let the truth be shown

From the land of justice flows the river of freedom,

But there’s people banned from drinking there,

Now it’s time to stand and let the cleansing waters of truth flow everywhere


Pour the truth upon the lies and watch them crumble,

Pour on light to chase the dark away,

To the dim confusion, pour out all your knowledge to change night into day


Now it’s time to re-connect the disconnected,

To reclaim our future from the past

Let the time come soon when every single prisoner emerges free at last!


Thank you Spike for setting an awesome example for everyone to follow by showing the world how to POUR IT ON! -- Thoughtful

2010 Independent’s Day Celebration PDF Print E-mail
Blogs - Thoughtful
Wednesday, 07 July 2010 06:28


As announced on Marty’s blog, the first Independent Scientologist wedding was held at Mike and Christie’s house in Tarpon Springs, Florida on Saturday, July 3rd. Mike Rinder was the Scientology minister. It was a joyful occassion to say the least and you will soon be able to watch it yourself on video.


On Sunday, July 4th, was the first Annual Independent’s Day party!  I designed a logo, a flag, and a couple of banners for the occassion. There was a pool party, great stories, great food cooked by Mike and even fireworks. While Jackson and Michael Laws were lighting fireworks, a PI hired by the Church rolled to a stop a few yards down the lane aiming for the fireworks and people who were standing in the middle of the quiet neighborhood street. The PI floored the accelerator. Jackson stood his ground and the PI swerved at the last minute failing to do any damage at all.




Coffee shop protest

So the next morning we all had coffee at Starbucks in downtown Clearwater across from the Flag training building and the Coachman Building on the corner of Ft Harrison and Cleveland.


Secretive Scientology security guards watched from a safe distance. As soon as they saw my camera, they scurried away which got everyone in our crowd laughing. Tiziano walked over and caught them trying to figure out who was present by comparing photos on a clipboard. He said I can tell you who's there. It's not a secret!


Dramatizing the missed withhold of near manslaughter from the night before, OSA took drastic action by demanding an armed SWAT team from Clearwater police... okay, come on I'm joking about the SWAT team, but these total goony birds DID call the police! Can you imagine how insane that must appear to the Clearwater police -- to call the police on a bunch of well dressed people having coffee at Starbucks? Oh, brother. Anyway, a lone officer arrived who pointed out it was not against the law to drink coffee. Jim Logan got in comm with him and he was a sharp and intelligent professional gentleman who clearly understood the real situation. This brings up an interesting situation which is the reality gap. When one refuses to deal in reality... what happens? Well, I'm sure if Rod Serling was here he would tell us that as one journeys into unreality he or she finally arrives at the last waystop: delusion -- as illustrated in the curious case of the Church of Miscavige. In situations like this, when the rest of the world is just dumbfounded at how whacking crazy the Church is acting, the DM-bots are doing high fives -- congratulating themselves for "putting in ethics!" It's no different from some guy just ripping someone apart in the city park... only no one else is there... and giving high fives to a tree. Everyone else is looking at him and thinking "Wow, that guy has been sniffing crazy glue."  The reality gap is getting wider and wider.


Of course we had a good time at our coffee shop protest with plenty of laughter, stories and smiles.



















After the party, those with an early plane went to the beach while others went fishing. At Clearwater beach, the sea gulls swarm around like IAS regs after money.





I noticed that David Miscavige’s intentionally unfinished 12-year building project to scam Church parishioners out of hundreds of millions is still “incomplete” -- why finish it as long as it works as a cash cow?


And downtown Clearwater which once thrived is now largely deserted since no one is allowed to do any shopping. So much for supporting local businesses. Here is what actually happened: (1) Through RTC Reps David Miscavige declared going shopping “out ethics.” (2) By cutting off customers, he starved out local businesses and drove them into bankruptcy, (3) Any liquid cash brought by Scientology public could then more easily be re-routed into the pockets of David Miscavige via the IAS for “urgent Church programs and defense” but really so David Miscavige can live wealthy. Because Sea Org staff and public are not allowed to come and go freely, he is basically a slave-holder shielded by a cloak of religion, dealing in human trafficking and growing rich through extortion.

But alas, Miscavige’s master plan has backfired: the “friendliest place in the world” is a ghost town.


BTW, according to Shelly Miscavige before she “disappeared,” Dave was having an affair with Jenny De Vocht. God, it’s good to be free from that immoral, hellish perversion of everything L. Ron Hubbard stood for.

Written by Thoughtful


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"According to David Miscavige, demonstrated by his own actual statistics, 98% of the population is suppressive..."  Learn More...


Climate of Fear - Reign of Terror

"Ever-increasing savage actions created a climate of fear. You could be screamed at, ridiculed, spat on, embarrassed, threatened ferociously or beaten. You could lose Scientology, your friends, family, parents, split off from your spouse, no money, no job, cast out into the world penniless and alone if you ever dream of defying The Cob" Learn More...


"For example, through his destructive policies Miscavige forced hundreds of female Sea Org members at International Management to get abortions when they got pregnant. When the media started to investigate that, he came up with the solution: he ordered that husbands and wives at International Management get divorced...."  Learn More...


Shaking Down Scientologists for Cash

"Through his programs and subverted staff he extorts Scientologists into 'donating' huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs 'shaking down' local business owners for cash. His specialty is crushing people..."  Learn More...

How Church Financials Really Work

"It's a lot more viable to chase down millionaires who will donate $10 million for a hand shake, some applause and a metal pin. It's not a matter of saving the planet and all the poor suffering people... it's 'Where's the BIG, FAT, EASY MONEY?' -- that's what we're talking about!..."  Learn More...


Tax Exemption by Blackmail

"Miscavige bragged that he collared the IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg in the hallway outside his IRS office and threatened to expose him. Private investigators hired by Miscavige had caught Fred in some unethical activity. Miscavige told Fred if he didn’t cooperate, he’d immediately ruin him with full-page ads in USA Today..."  Learn More...

Extortion of a Federal Official

"He also bragged to a number of staff who were close to him about how he illegally obtained information which he was able to use to blackmail the IRS official who granted the church tax exemption..."  Learn More...


Annie Tidman: Imprisoned for 2 Years

"Annie Broeker Tidman, Hubbard's personal assistant right up to the time of his death, realized that Miscavige was systematically and forcefully taking over the church. She attempted to escape to rejoin her husband but was caught and brought back to California, isolated and kept under guard on a remote property for over 2 years..."  Learn More...

Sadism in the SP Hall

"His most infamous sadistic moment was when he told them they were going to play 'musical chairs' and only the last person to get a chair would stay and the rest would vanish without even a chance to say good-bye to friends and family, husbands or wives. The game went on for hours as staff wept bitter tears. This delighted The Cob."  Learn More...


Lisa McPherson's Demise

"Miscavige said he knew what was wrong and proceeded to write three paragraphs on what was to be said to this girl. The staff wondered how The Cob was even qualified to supervise auditing and even if he was, why hadn't he studied the folders first? The girl's name was Lisa McPherson and you know the rest."  Learn More...

Night of the Living Dead

"Moments later came a wail of inhuman agony unlike anything I have every heard in my lifetime, before or since. The screams were so incredibly loud. Louder than any sounds I could imagine a human could make. They filled the sky and the valley and my lonely office. 20 or 30 minutes they lasted..."  Learn More...



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31 Factors for Scientologists to Consider

The Pertinent Manifesto"Scientology has been taken over by a self-appointed dictator, David Miscavige, who has turned the Creed of the Church of Scientology, the Code of a Scientologist, and the Credo of a True Group Member on their heads and instituted the virtual practice of Reverse (Black) Dianetics..."  Learn More...

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