What Happened to the Sea Org, Chapter Four | Print |
Saturday, 05 December 2009 11:58


Interviewer: We continue with our next segment of the story by Nomad. He is a man that spent over three decades of his life working for the Sea Organization, the elite and senior most group in the hierarchy of Scientology. Welcome.

Nomad: Thanks.

Interviewer: We've discussed several aspects of your history within the Sea Organization - what is today's topic?

Nomad: Probably this is not a subject of tremendous interest to many of the readers. I know that some people prefer to read about the dirt and dark side of the Sea Org, what new things David Miscavige has done that they are not yet aware of. This possibly will bore them, but then again, this is my story. I want to cover one aspect of the Sea Org which I'm going to loosely label "Marginalized Minds".

Interviewer: Meaning?

Nomad: I don't like the term brain washing because it's a useless term. You can't actually brain wash someone because you can never destroy or wipe out a mind or a personality. You can subdue them, you can bury their mind or their personality under a lot of other stuff - and you can confuse them - but you can't "brainwash" a person. I like to call it Marginalizing the Mind because really that is what has happened in the Sea Org as it has morphed in the past two or more decades into something else. To understand that concept you have to get a grip on Scientology. Why do people hold onto it and put up with so much negativity in the Sea Org, and why do people fear to speak up against it after leaving the SO?

Interviewer: Fear?

Nomad: Yes, but to fear something you have to believe in it first. You have to either believe that it is bigger than you or that it can take something away from you that is valuable or that you love. In Scientology, truthfully, as you progress in the counselling and training, you do come to realize that there is more to life than the Big Mac we're being sold. It's difficult to conceive of something that is intangible - we're so accustomed to living out our lives with finite perceptions. We learn to appreciate and value what we can see, taste, feel, or touch. But in Scientology you find out that there is an entire level of existence that beats all that hands down. When you first experience the freedom of being outside the realm of your body - really outside - you never forget that experience. I'm not talking about mental projections or repeating mantras or dreams. I am factually talking about letting go and existing on a plane that is so different, so superior to and so amazing in comparison to carrying this load around.

Interviewer: Most religions talk about spiritual emancipation.

Nomad: Yes, but they see it in a different way. They talk about salvation or emancipation AFTER this life. Heaven, or a place with 72 virgins, it's all about something that exists somewhere else, after you kick the bucket. In Scientology - you find out that you can truly be emancipated right here - RIGHT now, without having to stop your life. It's living the dream.

Interviewer: Seems incredible - but if that's possible - why aren't people flocking to it and why are so many former Sea Org members disgruntled and leaving?

Nomad: Why do women stay with abusive partners? Why do couples hang onto the last thread of a relationship? Hope? We all recognize that we have human limitations and we hope that things will go better. Any Sea Org member who is hanging in there, or has, is hoping it will change for the better. Like the abusive partner - we grant that the situation could change. Add to the mix the fact that many Sea Org members experience actual life-changing gains from Scientology - it makes it that much harder to let go. If we were talking about an abusive executive structure in McDonalds, or GM or Starbucks, it would be nothing to walk away from it and forget about it. The bitterness that we all experience is that Scientology offers something positive - and the angst that we feel is that we have been cheated and that others will be cheated as well out of achieving the potential they hoped they could gain. As to why people aren't flocking to it - it's a catch 22. As long as David Miscavige sugars it up with false pretense and statistics - making one and all believe that he is CLEARING THE PLANET - then it looks like Scientology is on a runaway boom.

Interviewer: How does this fit with the Marginalized Mind?

Nomad: As the Sea Org has morphed over the years, the cult-like society created by David Miscavige, which is permeated with an authorititave, dictatorial fear campaign, forces people in the Sea Org to shut down. You have to close your mind as what you see makes no sense. In order to reconcile your day to day activities and to live within the confines of this tremendously insane environment you have to marginalize your own mental powers, invalidate what you see, throw away your own concept of your certainty and what YOU know, and allow yourself to become subservient to a "senior power" - they call it COMMAND INTENTION. (laughs).

Interviewer: What is funny?

Nomad: COMMAND INTENTION is what we used to call mandates from LRH. Now it means "anything that David Miscavige wants." In fact, years ago he even started referring to himself as DEPT 21.

Interviewer: What does that mean?

Nomad: Look at a Scientology organizing board. Department 21 is the Office of L Ron Hubbard. To allude to being "DEPT 21" - David Miscavige has basically told the world that he is now the new SOURCE of Scientology and is on an even par with L Ron Hubbard himself. Stupidly - many or most Sea Org members have been resonatingt that title for years when referring to David Miscavige. I used to laugh it off and refused to grant him that label - and no doubt - some people noted my attitude back then. I wasn't very popular for being a "groupie".

Interviewer: So then - in this marginalized mental capacity - you're saying that Sea Org members can be manipulated?

Nomad: Yes - and they are. That is precisely how he is controlling and navigating this ship without being challenged. Step by step he has transformed very capable people into malleable and subservient men and women. None of it has anything to do with Scientology mind you. Scientology principles are diametrically opposed to what he is doing. He's creating a new trap, a new slavish mindset - whereas Hubbard was trying to free people's minds up from the box that society and our culture lavishes on us from the day we are born.

Interviewer: If you had the choice and the power to do so, what would you do about David Miscavige.

Nomad: (smiles). I would get together some of the guys that still have a brain cell left that he hasn't perverted or manipulated. None of the David Miscavige Kool Aid drinkers mind you. I would get them to see the truth, get them to regain back some of their own integrity and their honor and their willingness to go up against him.

Interviewer: A mutiny.

Nomad: Absolutely - sometimes it is necessary. It's happened before - even in Scientology. I would get those executives, and we'd march into David Miscavige's 70 million dollar kingdom, and inform him that he is out. Dethroned and have a nice f.......g day. I'd excavate all the original policies and programs that LRH laid out to expand Scientology and I would rebuild CMO International, the Watchdog Committee and the Executive Strata with competent people who believe in Scientology and not David Miscavige. I would disband RTC - entirely and utterly. It is the most squirrel organization in Scientology at this time - while pretending otherwise. I would reform it, but this time with stipulations that it can NEVER take over the Church as David Miscavige has done. There would be checks and balances set up to ensure that management was never destroyed and that a dictator could never once again take over the show.

Interviewer: How would you free everyone else from the effects of nearly three decades of David Miscavige's ideology?

Nomad: Rough go, but Scientologists and Sea Org members being who they are, are amazing people. They would quickly shift into the new zeitgeist, believe me, and would happily get on with expanding Scientology without all the other stuff appended to it. The David Miscavige mindset, much the same as Hitler's Nazi regime, would blow away in the wind, like dust.

Interviewer: Are you in any way attempting to take over Scientology?

Nomad: (smiles). Oh no. My purpose is to free it, make it a free subject once more, make it something that everyone can study and use to make themselves better, to make a better world, to ultimately achieve spiritual freedom. I'm just a rebel, a crusader for the cause.

Interviewer: What do you think David Miscavige would do or say if such a delegation were to walk into his office and demand his resignation?

Nomad: (Pause). He would rant and rave, display a tremendous fit of temper, if not physical violence. He would call on his five or ten staff to protect him. He would call security up to his castle. He might even run out onto the property and demand that everyone sieze us and put us in "the hole" where he keeps other "SPs." But if we stood our ground, demanded, and informed him that he did not have a monopoly on Scientology, and that we were going to restore it back to what LRH said it should be, he would eventually go quietly crazy and walk off. No doubt the camp would split. That's to be expected. It would take time for people to realize the truth, and for the dedicated Kool Aid drinkers - they would go off with David Miscavige. But we would have Scientology back again.

Interviewer: That would be quite something to see.

Nomad: Yes indeed. But trust me - it will either go that way, or something similar to that, or the accumulated crimes of David Miscavige and his regime will eventually reach a flashpoint where legal actions will force his hand. The first is preferrable because it stays within the Church and it handles its own dirty laundry, whereas the second option will become considerably more messy.

Interviewer: Thank You Sir.

Nomad: My pleasure.

Written by Outside the Box