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Friday, 20 January 2012 03:07

Last week OSA made (their characteristically clumsy) efforts through at least two people to find out what I’m working on since I haven’t published any new articles on Scientology-cult. Shenanigans like that don’t happen unless DM blows up in a meeting, “You f**king assholes don’t even know what anyone is doing! There’s no intell. No prediction. No handling. And then “f**k you Dave!”

I love to reward OSA goons for messing with me. Way to go stupid.

Well, first of all Scientology cult doesn’t need new articles all the time. It is a multiple viewpoint system — an LRH management tech breakthrough designed to enable a manager (you) to understand the real scene by viewing it through multiple eyes (viewpoints).

Marty’s blog is a blog. It is accurate, truthful, has the latest news, published almost daily. Marty’s blog is a guerrilla fighter or maybe it’s the Marines. Scientology-cult is a rowboat or maybe it’s a battleship sitting off the coast sending shells 90 miles inland and right down DM’s chimney pipe. DM can’t stop Scientology-cult. Not even my death would stop this website. I arranged in my will to go on funding Scientology-cult for the next 100 years. Nothing will quench the bright beam of transparency, except unless the CoS ceases to be the suppressive group has become and get back on purpose.

Today Marty posted on Debbie Cook’s endangerment of all those people “under the radar” because she came out halfway. Doesn’t she remember LRH’s caution about the road to truth? It’s the only road you can’t walk down halfway. Debbie is being mobbed by agents for OSA, so all those people privately expressing sympathy with her recent protest letter are getting clobbered by OSA. Duh.

The topic reminds me of LRH's description of the "nice" person who, because he is afraid to get tough, ends up butchering people. In fact, whether one is "nice" or occasionally "tough" is not any pivotal issue. The real target is caring enough about others to deal in truth come what may.

Some people are afraid of what “come what may.” But it’s like the old “Let’s Make a Deal” game show when the person settles for a $5 watch, and then finds out they passed up a million dollar dream home. If you go with truth, “come what may” is your dreams.

Dreams come true if you care enough about others to deal in truth.

Personally I can't think of anything valuable enough to sell one's soul for. (Hint, hint).

Some people sell out their friends due to fears of self-preservation or for other reasons... well, that may be one's freedom of choice, but it is no route to OT.

By the way, I think Miscavige — in addition to being an SP — has a crashing MU on "OT." He thinks of OT purely in MEST terms. If he can force some pet target to be met — like getting a building built — the baby thinks that is OT. He literally cannot conceive of an operating thetan. I'm going to coin a new term for the way Miscavige operates: OM, Operating Meat. Miscavige literally accomplishes everything he does as Meat. He does nothing as a human spirit except kill people. He has never done anything positive that I know of as a being.

On another somewhat random topic (but not really): for ex-Int base staff who sometimes wake up enturbulated because they dream of being trapped again at the Int base, I stumbled upon another way to turn off the nightmare.

The first tip, which is really an ethics/responsibility point I've discussed earlier, was to spot the points in one's history with the CoS when you violated your own integrity. This chain of violations of personal integrity (you knew something was wrong but went along with it anyway) inevitably lead to victimization, entrapment and nightmare soup.

Well, here's a second way to deal with subsequent enturbulation from an earlier connection with intense suppression: consider what the CoS would have been like if it had embraced the positive concepts of Scientology instead of being a bank-dominated mob.  I.e., ARC, 8 dynamics, auditing, the Bridge, etc. In other words, what if the organization had been like you originally thought it should have been when you first started to learn about Scientology?

When I first heard about the Int base, it was called "over the rainbow." I assumed it would be a spectacular and productive locale where Scientology's own concepts were held up as ideals. Instead, living at the Int base was like floating down a river of flaming napalm.

But let me sharpen this pencil. Wouldn't one expect a Scientology organization to have the beingness of... say, how about an auditor?

You know, friendly place where people cared? Where people were terminals for each other? Where anyone who entered would always receive h-e-l-p?

Instead, an org is all about "Did you make your target yesterday? Did you?!? Is your 7RA graph marked? Well, why the f**k not? You're OUT ETHICS! You're assigned every lower condition 900 times. Comm Ev!" It's the showcase of the bank-dominated mob.

Another example: for as long as I've known Scientology, they have had a problem getting staff. Besides the sheer financial burden (primarily created by the Miscavige money vacuum) which forces staff to accept life in the poverty crevasse, organizations run a can't have on training and processing — two of the most valuable commodities in the universe.  Why not run a Day org like this: Work 6 hours and get enhancement for 2 hours. Pay's not great, but you will get up the Bridge. If you want to study at night also, you can. That means someone could work 6 hours and train/audit for 5 hours daily. Why not HELP staff get up the Bridge? Either we believe in our own tech, or we don't.

If someone won't pull their weight, they can leave. Public Divisions could be FULL of staff working 6 hours a day to bring in new people.

How is it possible any org could not have 500 to 1000 staff? I'll tell you how. Run a can't have on training and processing. Force staff to work all day with no enhancement for no money. Forget about moving public up the Bridge; just rip people off. It's the biggest problem Scientologists have — how to get up the Bridge.

What do YOU think should be the character of a Scientology org?

Miscavige gave us his idea: the "Ideal Org" (gong sound) — a horrific and frightening Stepford Scientology where every staff member is a robot submissive to Command Intention with fake affinity, unreality and no communication all focused to get the money, "Hi Bob, I need my quota of money so I can sleep. Will that be credit card or a summons to Ethics?" Meanwhile the living theta of Scientology has been sucked out and swapped for crown moldings, fluted columns, and Styrofoam signs... MEST (matter, energy, space and time). In other words, the life of a Scientology org was swapped for death.

Miscavige didn't like auditors because they didn't wear enough lipstick. So he got rid of the auditors and erected a giant statue of lipstick, straight up and vertical. That’s an "Ideal Org."

Anyway, so the next time you wake up at 4 am, enturbulated because you dreamed you were again trapped at the Int base or a prisoner on the Freewinds or at Flag, or in the RPF, or wherever, conceive of a Scientology org on the other side of the spectrum — where it should have been originally and all along, where MEST only needs to be clean, not glossy. And where staff are there to help people, not steal from them. And where being on staff is rewarding and life affirming on ALL dynamics, instead of a shock treatment.

Only someone who is an SP or PTS would insist that living by Scientology's own philosophic precepts "wouldn't work." Many businesses these days are flourishing by using the very same precepts.

Miscavige’s “Ideal Org” is in it’s entirety a colossal false datum. You can’t think with it, can you? When you can’t think with a datum, it’s false. Spot when you first heard it. Who told you about it (Miscavige). How he looked at the time (like a ugly red-faced human-pug mix). Blow the false datum and then consider what you think a Scientology org should be. No matter how cold the night, it will warm your socks.

Amusingly, if you are a reader of the Harry Potter series, the books describe a curious hooded creature called a Dementor:

"Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them... Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you. If it can, the Dementor will feed on you long enough to reduce you to something like itself...soulless and evil. You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life."

Damn! Sounds exactly like the Int base. And that’s why I’m saying the Chairman Miscavige uniform is all wrong. It should be old hooded black Dementor rags!  Those unearthly cold black pupils of Miscavige would finally achieve haute couture fitted out in matching coal black Dementor hood.

In the Potter Series, the only defense against a Dementor is the challenging “Patronus Charm” which summons up a beautiful mockup exuding goodwill and happiness.

Well, if you’ve ever had a run in with Dave “I’m Yo Demento” Miscavige gettin up in your grill, and years later you are still feeling the cold affects invading your dreams...

Imagine a Scientology org as a showcase of the Scientology qualities you approve of. You will never see a nightmare vanish quite as quickly nor as thoroughly.
