Translations Priorities and Coordination | Print |
Monday, 26 April 2010 09:48
Just a couple of days ago I published a Translations Call to Arms. Now we have two articles from web site translated into German, two into Swedish, one of the articles is being translated into Russian and a French speaking OT is about to start one in French. Are these stats good or bad? They are stellar! And this is just the beginning!

The purpose of this activity is to bring the information on the current terrible state of affairs in the Church of Scientology, the WHY on that and the WHO into understanding of as many people as possible. That puts us head to head with the entire suppressive apparatus of the Church. We used to talk about Private Investigators, Black PR, plants and lies. Now the stakes are getting higher: Mike Rinder was attacked in broad day light in Clearwater, Florida. Those of us who know David Miscavige will readily agree that he will NEVER admit his mistakes, NEVER reform and NEVER yield. The harder we push, the harder he will push back—until something snaps. Why do we want to create such a GPM? Well, do you want Scientology to be an incredible asset to mankind or do you want Scientology to buy more posh buildings for the Idle Orgs program, extort millions from the ever decreasing numbers of docile parishioners, barring them the route to the Bridge, and run Scientology into oblivion?

We have no choice. DM has to go and Church must be reformed and made into an asset to mankind. I will know when that happens by the tens of thousands of new Clears and OTs being made.

Thus, we translate to expand the fight, to increase the pressure and to beat the vicious bully into oblivion.

The first two days of our translations efforts indicated the need to (A) name the priorities and (B) to exert control on who does what to eliminate double work. Therefore, the production line is hereby expanded from two steps (translate and send me the translations) to four steps as follows:
  1. Pick an article that you want to translate (you are welcome to use the suggested list of priorities that follows but you don’t have to);
  2. Notify me on what you want to translate and receive confirmation that nobody else is working on it;
  3. Translate. Use any production line you want. You are the final approval terminal for your translations. When you are satisfied with your work and feel proud to call it your own, you are DONE.
  4. Send the translation to me for publication. Use the email address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Here is a suggested list of priorities. You are welcome to work on any articles you like or you can follow this list:

1. Is Everyone Suppressive?
13 December 2008 by Thoughtful

2. On DM's Behavior
18 February 2010 by Mike Rinder

3. Thoughts on the Ideal Org Program
10 August 2009 by Joe Howard

4. Our Sources
15 January 2009 by Thoughtful

5. Common Sense
18 April 2009 by T. Paine

6. 3D Engram
04 February 2010 by Jim Logan

7. How You Can Help
29 April 2009 by Thoughtful

8. The Great Middle Path
22 May 2009 by Sitting Bull

9. The Eternal Struggle: Good vs. Evil
01 April 2010 by Archer

24 November 2009 by T. Paine