The Analysis Point for the CoS | Print |
Wednesday, 24 February 2010 17:12
I really want to thank everyone that responded to the articles entitled YOUR OPINION PLEASE.  I mused over them for a while and here is my take. This may not be in agreement with everyone's views on the matter, but as this is a free forum, then I will say it anyhow.

Most people I have talked to, Independents included, have the same viewpoint - KSW. We want to see Scientology make it. We want to see the Church of Scientology survive these times and come out a winner and perpetuated into the future.

It occurred to me, and maybe I'm just a bit slow here, that my 34 years in Scientology, most of it in the Sea Org, was not for naught. Factually, any of us that contributed to this motion contributed to the future track of Scientology, we helped to put a philosophical movement into motion, put our shoulders to that wheel, and we put it into momentum. It has been a learning curve for all of us. We learned that in spite of the policies and protocols set down by LRH, that the organization was not without error and that it was corruptable. We found out what we didn't know, what we couldn't deal with within the framework of existing policy and protocols and what we failed to handle. It has been an education in how to free a people. No one else has possibly ever attempted what we tried to do in just ONE lifetime - to free an entire population of a reactive mind and to put them back on track again as free beings. It's NEVER been done before, never been attempted - in fact - as far as we know - the entire process has been the reverse.

We are the first people to have come along who dedicated themselves entirely and completely to saving mankind on a spiritual (not a religious) level. Keep the religious aspect of Scientology out of this because that is just a significance that has to do with tax brackets and survival on a planet that would otherwise defeat it if it wasn't labelled as such. But we learned from this experience. We found out where we were weak, where we were vulnerable, and where we could be victimized. These are important lessons for the future. In truth, this has been at best just Round One. 

With that said, this is my analysis of the broader picture, and my take on what MUST be done.

1.  Scientology and the Church of Scientology is NOT the issue, never will be. THE issue is CORRUPT LEADERSHIP. Nothing more - nothing less.  That leadership has in itself corrupted and prevented REAL justice from happening. Through its abuses and perversions of "ethics" and "justice" it has effectively eliminated the concept of security in the Sea Org and now in Scientology. Most of us have correctly labelled that as a dictatorship - tyranny or any number of other modifiers.


That is the message that must be repeated over and over again in articles, the media and throughout the web until everyone starts resonating that TRUTH.  Scientology is not to blame, nor the Church - it is ONLY the corruption introduced by ONE man who has manipulated the organization and is molding it HIS way.

2.  Those of us on the outside, Independents, Scientologists, former Sea Org members are unfortunately left without a voice, or it seems so, because we are off the Scientology org board. Department 21, SOURCE, has been infiltrated by a tyrannt who pretends to emulate LRH, but is nothing more than a traitor. We are also cut off from other channels of recourse as the justice system has been usurped and perverted - there is no unbiased justice at this time in the Church. There is no ED International SO #1 line anymore which LRH himself set up. There is no Exec Strata in existence to write to. RTC Reports Officer, supposedly the last port of call for KSW, is nothing more than a cheap groupie to David Miscavige now. We are off the Scientology org board, which of course is a frustrating thing since we have every right to be heard, but those channels have been denied to us.

The Independent movement has opened the door for people to voice themselves and to make a stand. It is inevitable that the Church of Scientology under its current circumstances will fracture into other groups - it is a repeat of history and there is little that can be done to stop that as people are going to take a stand.

3.  We must resonate the message on every line possible that THE PROBLEM WITH THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY IS ITS CORRUPT LEADERSHIP - DAVID MISCAVIGE.

This message needs to go out everywhere with these supporting facts, because:
a.  It will fill the void with the right message.
b.  It will start to chip away at the false public image that David Miscavige is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build through lavish events, promotion (about him) and purchasing properties and renovating buildings (also about him). We need to correctly position him as corrupt on the simple basis of these facts:

-  that since 1990 Scientology has been on a decline. If GM or TOYOTA or any corporation released those figures to the world, how long do you think its CEO would last - whether people demanded it or not - the press would tear him to pieces. We need to do the same thing with David Miscavige. The word needs to go out in such a way that the world sees him for what he actually is - an inept and corrupt leader. And in so doing, the attention comes off Scientology or the Church.
-  that he has spent hundreds of millions of parishioners donations on expensive and lavish buildings at the International headquarters of Scientology and around the world for properties and buildings that are not necessary and which are beyond the capability of being sustained.
-  that he has morphed the Church of Scientology from a philosophical and spiritual movement to a money making machine to sell materials and obtain donations, using force, coercion and threats to do so, in order to support his extravagant schemes.
-  that he has raked off a nice portion of Scientology funds for himself and for his personal staff, substantially in excess of any "allowance" that other Sea Org members are conferred.
-  that he has engaged in physical acts of violence and abuse against its members in violation of the laws of the land.

None of this includes his perversions of policy or tech because factually that means NOTHING to the general public outside of the walls of Scientology. His corruption needs to be presented in terms of MONEY and ABUSE. That is what the media listens to and what they will resonate. The rest is just fluff to them.

It is not just the Scientology public that we must say this message to. We need to tell the WHOLE world because Scientology is not proprietary material just for Scientologists. It was meant for everyone, and like any body of knowledge, it should be free to be viewed and used by people to make a better world.

By resonating that message, we ARE Keeping Scientology Working. We are not the enemy - but by virtue of the fact that David Miscavige has aliented us from our group, prevented our voices from being heard,  has forced us to do the only thing we can do which is to go after him as covered in HCO PL RESPONSIBILITY OF LEADERS.

People eventually catch on to corruption, but it is up to us to FILL the void with the right message. We all worked too hard, gave of ourselves too much, to let it be nullified or made nothing of by ONE corrupt and suppressive person.  We also all agreed to KSW - and I believe that what we must do is to focus our attack on DAVID MISCAVIGE with the analysis as above so that he goes down and the Church goes UP.

Outside the Box