Little Dickie Series #11 | Print |
Saturday, 02 May 2009 11:37

ANOTHER BEDTIME STORY (Little Dickie Series #11)

(As with all stories in this series, please see original disclaimer)

Daddy, tell me about Little Dickie and family disconnection.

Okay. As I have already covered in earlier bed time stories, Little Dickie has torn apart areas of the church like WDC, CMO Int, Exec Strata, Gold, Central Marketing Unit (CMU -- also called at times "Planetary Dissem Org" or PDO), the mission network, etc. Some of the executives in these areas have been declared suppressive persons (SPs) and have been kept imprisoned within the church while most were thrown out with little to nothing. Per policies concerning an SP, all other members of the church, including immediate family members, are required to completely disconnect from that person.

Isn't that a bit extreme?

You could say that, but realize that the church policies regarding SPs were intended to be applied to a rare type of individual with extreme anti-social traits that are very dangerous to the well-being of others (such as the characteristics of Little Dickie).

The problem is that Little Dickie in his twisted sociopath mind sees normal, productive people as “threatening” and therefore sees a need to destroy these people, preferably as nastily as possible.

Fortunately, Little Dickie doesn't have control of an entire country like Hitler and Stalin once did where he could have people painfully executed.

In his limited position of running a relatively small cult, he appears to have found his height of sadistic pleasure from the trauma created when he declares someone an SP and not only takes away their job, home, friends and religion but he takes away the person's ability to ever see any family who are still part of the church – their parents, wife, husband and even their own children.

While being short of killing a person, this in some ways is more cruel and more satisfying to his evil lust as it's a sort of never-ending torture of his victim.

As hard as it is to imagine, Little Dickie has gotten away with this for over 25 years! The more his evil has gone unchecked, the more he has dramatized it. I would estimate that the number of people effected by his suppression reaches into the thousands.

Wow – so many people are suffering because of one man!  But why is Little Dickie now sending out Tommy Ding-dong and others to contact individuals and offer forms of family reconnection? What's that all about?

The answer to that is so nasty and so evil I honestly have trouble talking about it.

Dad, you're tearing up.

I'm okay. Here is how this goes. As I have said earlier, due to the internet, there's been a snowball effect whereby people who have been victimized by Little Dickie are connecting up with each other. On top of that, some of these individuals had worked closely with Little Dickie for a few decades and they have witnessed different aspects of his criminality and psychosis. As these people communicate to each other openly, the big picture comes into view and the effects of the brainwashing and suppression starts to lift – and they are uniting and taking action.

I think the penny really dropped for Little Dickie when Marty Rathbun posted on the internet and offered to help others. I understand that within the first few days, Marty received about 300 e-mails, many containing very sad stories of family break-ups. He also had several people show up on his door step for help or to offer their help in exposing Little Dickie's abuse.

Little Dickie knew that if these people he had ruined and scattered throughout the world actually stood up and communicated the truth about him that his little power trip would be over. He would soon join the infamous public stature of past cult leaders like Charles Manson and the leader of Jones Town.

Little Dickie became desperate to immediately cut the lines between the "rising dead" and get some kind of control back over them.

But how?

When all else fails, a demented cult leader always has his main tools to fall back on: blackmail, bribery, intimidation, threats, lies and extortion. He uses followers he has manipulated or he uses the money of followers to hire others to do the dirty work. He starts with the most desperate, the most vulnerable and the most accessible; individuals that have aging parents they fear they will never talk to again; parents who have children still in the Sea Org they haven't seen in 10 years and don't even know what country they live in; children who left the Sea Org and want to show their parents they now have beautiful grand children.

I know of individuals on both ends of the disconnection spectrum (those kicked out and those still “in”) who have gone into depression and have even contemplated suicide over the loss of their loved ones.

These people are contacted by an OSA puppet (i.e. Tommy Ding-dong) who is being run by Little Dickie.  They are told that there seems to have been an injustice, that their family members miss them and have been asking permission to contact them. The victim is given some hope and a meeting is set up. The person shows up for the meeting. More hope is fed to them to really set the hook. Once that is done, it's time to start the dance.

First the person needs to list out every member and ex-member they have been in contact with or have any information about. Next comes a detailed debrief concerning each person listed. Next comes the promise to immediately disconnect from or subvert these people – in other words, act as an “agent” for the church.

Normally a person declared an SP has to pay a “freeloader debt” as part of any re-entry program to get back into good standing with the church and able to speak to their family once again.   No firm promise is made but the church rep says that the issued freeloader bill may be able to be dropped to almost nothing if the person cooperates.  They may also be willing to cut down on the required (and extensive) Scientology training and security checking one must do at one's own expense to get back in good standing – or wave it completely if one is unwilling to do any further church services.

Basically the person is told that nearly all requirements as issued in policy for a declared SP to get back into good standing can possibly be waved, if they are willing to work as an agent for the church.


Now that the person has been gotten to cut communication with and/or turn on what friends they had, they are alone, desperate and played by the church for all they're worth. If they are really productive for the church then they are thrown a bone. Maybe they are allowed a phone call to one of their children in the Sea Org. Of course the child has been drilled on what they can say and the phone call is fully monitored and controlled. There is no way that the victim is ever going to get an opportunity to have free contact and communication with their families, especially if they are in the Sea Org. The victims know this in their heart. They are veterans and know how the game works or Little Dickie never would have declared them in the first place.

So why do they cooperate?

First of all, realize that only the weakest, most vulnerable people are being contacted and even most of them tell Little Dickie to go to hell. Where a person does cooperate it's only out of complete desperation. I guess to a person dying of thirst, a few drops of water is better than nothing.

What should people do to end this gross violation of their basic human rights?

It's simple: Stand up in a united way and communicate the truth about Little Dickie on every available line. Expose this sociopath for what he is. The little apocalypse reality and false power that he has created will deflate like a popped balloon. The suppression will cease and the cult he created will have two choices - act like a real church or cease to exist for lack of parishioner support.  Either way, people will be able to freely and openly communicate and share their love with their friends and family again.

People from all over the world are coming forward and asking what they can do to contribute. There are people willing to help compile mailing lists, willing to create and print news letters, willing to provide free legal service, willing to contact religious, social, government and media groups and people willing to demonstrate.

The organizational actions are being formulated and all administrative tools will be utilized. Amazingly, Little Dickie has either imprisoned or thrown over the wall almost all the veteran staff that used to successfully defend the church in its PR wars.

This isn't an attack on a religion or church. It isn't about power or money. It's about shedding the light of truth on Little Dickie – spreading the word to every continent, country, city and person with access to the communication lines of the world. We stand strong. We can't be bought off. We can't be frightened. We can't be silenced.

Thank God for people who are willing to expose this evil, no matter the risk.  I want to help too.

I know, son. I'm proud of you. Good night.