Little Dickie Series #13 | Print |
Friday, 24 July 2009 06:19

ANOTHER BEDTIME STORY (Little Dickie Series #13)

Dad, there seems to be an ever-increasing public outcry concerning Scientology and the extensive abuse being dished out by its leader, Little Dickie. What can you tell me about this?

Throughout history, man has protested against human rights violations, fought injustice, railed against abuse and worked to expose atrocities so as to hopefully bring about a change for the better.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." And Abraham Lincoln said, "To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men."

It takes courage to stand up to forces of evil in society, but it has to be done if one wants a better world.

Why is Little Dickie and his "church" such a target right now?

There are gradients of unacceptable behavior (or as Scientology calls it - "out-ethics"). People tend to be tolerant of out-ethics up to a certain point and after that, they draw the line and demand a change or a handling. Usually, there's a gradient of actions taken to bring about a change of behavior for the better (also known as "ethics change"). Gradients are increased as needed until an ethics change is achieved. However, if they refuse to reform then there's no choice left but to disband or isolate the source of the out-ethics for the protection of others.

The current public outcry isn't against the religious beliefs of Scientology or about "Scientologists" in general. It's about criminal and basic human rights violations that are hurting people - things like physical and mental abuse, extensive use of blackmail and intimidation tactics, enforced abortions, divorces and breaking up of families.

These abuses originate from its sociopath leader and are forwarded by his hand-picked minions. They apply extensive internal PR to cover up what's really going on to the general public while suppressing and removing any voice that might speak out to object or sound an alarm.

Scientologists are told repeatedly that the outside world is full of evil, united against Scientology because the church is such a good thing -- drug companies, mental health organizations, governments and the media are mentally programmed to want Scientology to fail. They consider anyone who says or even thinks (to be uncovered in their counseling) a negative thought about the church or its leadership is of course evil and an enemy and needs to be reported. To not report, even on a family member, is to also be labeled evil and an enemy. It can get to the point where the person starts to believe they are "evil" for any critical thoughts they may have.This mechanism limits their own thoughts and actions.

The person is taught to believe and accept that they were being an enemy, publicly announce this guilt and do amends. Failing to do so means being extracted from the group and if ones viewpoint is considered threatening enough, they are labeled a "suppressive person" (SP) so all communication is then cut between them and other Scientologists including their immediate families.

Wow. Dad, that sounds like hard-core mind control.

That's exactly what it is. The sad thing is that the introductory books of Scientology talk about a world of free thought, free speech, more individualism, stronger relationships, more sanity, less aberration. It's those goals that draw good people in. The closer the person moves to the core of the church, however, the greater the betrayal and suppression gets.

Fortunately, it has now gotten to the point where more and more people are drawing the line -- people of different religious beliefs, ages, races and social standings, some who dedicated their lives to Scientology and some who have never been members of the "church". But they all have one thing in common: they recognize the urgent need for a major ethics change with Little Dickie and organized Scientology.

Dad, I thought the purpose of the Sea Organization was "to get in ethics on the planet and this sector of the universe". That seems like a pathetic joke since society is having to put ethics in on THEM! So many people are speaking out. Do you think they have made any ethics change?

No. That's the problem. Little Dickie and his PR mouth pieces continue to outright deny things they are guilty of per numerous, numerous victims, such as physical abuse, intimidation of critics, breaking up families, etc. The denial upsets those that witnessed and experienced these abuses and they feel the need to speak out and "increase the ethics gradient".

The church's response is further intimidation, attempts to use family disconnection to blackmail and control, sending in private investigators to harass whistleblowers, more lies, etc. The same exact behavior. No ethics change.

There are thousands of non-Scientologists demonstrating around the world each month against the abuses. The church prints and distributes a glossy magazine saying they are "terrorists." 

BBC sends over a reporter to check into allegations that Little Dickie physically abuses staff. A flat-out intimidation program is run on him and the church produces and distributes thousands of videos in an effort to ruin his career.

Four ex-high level church staff speak out and religious confessionals are culled through, put in binders and presented to the media to "annihilate their credibility". Further actions are taken to hurt their families. Goons are hired to follow and intimidate them.

No ethics change!

Result? Increased ethics gradient by society. Almost like a natural law.

There are more demonstrations, more books being written, more postings on the internet, more people walking away from the church, more law suits being filed, more government investigations going on and dozens of additional ex-staff from the International base have started coming forward, offering to speak out for the first time with more stepping up every day.

The largest media networks in the world are now picking up the story.

People are simply not staying quiet. They know it's time to be strong and take a stand!

I agree dad, the amount of action taken against them for their unethical conduct is unprecedented! Wow, I'm so proud of everyone who is taking action -- this is so important! How do you think it will end?

There seems to be only 2 ways that it can end: either Scientology removes its abusive leader and cancels ALL of their policies and actions that are illegal and/or violate human rights or society shuts them down entirely as a criminal organization.

Either way, dad, I'm glad because this world will become a better place.

That's right, son. Good night.