Church of Scientology Justifications ~ Frightening Guru Devotion | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 28 October 2014 18:05


Published on Oct 28, 2014

There is something baffling and mysterious to both Scientologists,
still-ins and Scientology Watchers.

It defies reality and is incomprehensible.

How do perfectly normal human beings become vicious thugs, grossly immoral,
violent lunatics willing to act out with primordial gang like tactics in wolf
packs, sometimes laughing like hyenas ?

How can it be that clean looking dedicated slaves can
work 80 hour weeks while being savagely attacked by seniors for more production
? And all this with no permission to have children, no days, off, little to no
pay, no retirement, no pension, living in a bunk bed with the ever threatening
GULAG "The Rehabilitation Project Force?" (RPF)

Why did young Jason Barclay (see my videos) tell me
he allowed Rebecca his senior to assault him by a brutal punch in the head daily
for 6 months not making his quota of sales?

Why did all the participating Sea Org Members at INT base
permit Maureen Bolstad (see video) to be locked up in semi-isolation for 3 years
to the verge of a mental breakdown in the dreaded Old Gilman house on Gold Base ? (Int Base)

Why did Gold base security menacingly chase Cine staff in
the middle of the night in black SUVs and force them to run in without stopping til
the female Sea org members just toppled over sobbing and lay there in the

Why did 100 Sea Org members witness David Miscavige pick
up a rock from a "demo kit" and hurl it across a room to a Sea org member with a
nervous laugh at the Sandcastle property in Clearwater, potentially blinding him
without a single report to CW PD ?

How do *elite* veteran Sea Org Members in SP Hole all
witness Debbie Cook stand in a garbage bin with a sign "I am lesbo" and pour
water over her for hours?

How could former Commanding Officer OSA INT Kurt Weiland
be tortured in SP Hole with cold water dripping on him til his lips turned
blue with the onset of hypothermia and no one have the sense to report to Hemet
Sheriffs or Riverside police?

How could young childless young girls in their 20s and
30s agree to baby slaughter in the enforced abortions that occurred for 25 years
in all Sea org bases but particularly at INT Base ?

There are countless other horror stories.
carefully implanted

I will tell you the major Scientology inc

"It's the greatest Good for the great number of dynamics"

This ideology trumps all common sense and is implanted deeply into all Sea
org members especially by "Ethics officers"

Harming another person, even character assassinating
and destroying their reputation, their business, their marriage, is justified by
Scientology Inc. as "the greatest good" if that person is deemed an

I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing more
dangerous in life than to commit to blind allegiance to a GURU of any kind but
especially one who acts omnipotently with no accountability. The complete and
absolute blind allegiance to a Guru or a CULT and Cult leader will mind alter
the rank and file to do anything, even criminal acts.

Bright shiny clean faces blindsided by the propaganda and the "greatest
good" pitch while being sucked in to the ultimate spiritual "black hole."