Scientology Inc "The War is Over" event Behind the Scenes with Camilla Anderssont | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Thursday, 21 August 2014 05:48


Note the language of David Miscavige.

The War is over. He called it a WAR.

He did not say "We settled with the IRS and negotiated a good

No, Miscavige says "The WAR is Over !"

It made me reminisce about inside the Sea Org. Parading around in fake
Navy Uniforms. "Firing on Mission "with daggers and German Military swagger

The language is MILITARY. A Religious Military !

With children put out of the picture either by enforced abortions or
distant locations and no family time, it is all the selling, pitching and taking
of market share, military style.

Oh how we got carried away and swallowed it all.

In the Sea Org, you don't do a "to do" list You write a BATTLE plan.

Donations are not for good works, they are for a WAR CHEST.

One of the primary principles in War is the principle of FORCE.

"God is on the side of the big battalions". The big army overwhelms the
smaller foe.

Nowhere in my life have I seen more FORCE used than in the Sea Org.

It is one lonely person against the entire 5000 Sea Org who overpower the
member in trouble who is locked up as in a Prisoner-of-War, often in isolation
and all rights are taken away.

Psychological Operations or PsyOps are used within as a matter of
routine. It is threat and intimidation and punishment via use of hierarchy
structured like the military.

All the while the Cult craves recognition as a RELIGION.

Hobnobbing at Religious conferences, pretending religiosity and not
confessing that their "Commanding officer" lieutenant commander Joe Schmo in
his lanyards and fake insignia and navy cap had screamed 1/2 hour earlier to
"get the product".

This video takes you behind the scenes of The War is over Event as Camilla Andersson

tells her story.