"Too late to have an abortion?" asks senior Scientology Inc high official (RTC) | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Tuesday, 01 April 2014 02:10

Good insights into the mental constructs within the tunnel. 2nd generation Scientologist Astrid tells the story or leaving and the paranoid actions within. Coaxed to have an abortion and refusing, this is the story of her last weeks in the "Sea Organization" Threatened that she would be declared "SUPPRESSIVE PERSON" and cut off from family members, she signed documents in order to leave. This is how it is to this day., Thuggery, Domination, Abuse and Mind control.
Then the *Church* give this young girl a $89,000 "Freeloader Bill" for slaving for them 4.5 years !

Mirrored Interview from the Mark Bunker series. Astrid later became a major contributor on the Site Ex-Scientology Kids
