Scientology Inc vs Lori Hodgson, a Mom - Hospital visit to son denied | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Monday, 28 October 2013 23:05

Lori Hodgson had her son and daughter while (both still minors) sign billion year "Sea Org" contracts to "save the planet." These Sea org members live on a pittance, under slave labor and sleep deprivation, not allowed Annual Leave and barely a day off. It is a life of threats and escalating punishments. She was *Fair Gamed* by the Church for speaking out but has found her *Voice*. More and more media are interested in her story of a Mom trying to get back her kids from a "Church" enjoying 1st amendment privileges while it acts like an Organized crime mob.
To this day her Children have been manipulated by "Office of Special Affairs" to shun her and "Disconnect" from her. See previous videos from Lori on this Channel to catch up on her story.
