Scientology Inc: Sex, Lies and Videotape | Print |
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Blogs - Karen de la Carriere Blog
Friday, 30 May 2014 03:36
While the Church of Scientology might charge you $500 to $1000 an hour for counseling, your records known as folders are property of the Church at all times, and you sign away your rights to getting them back after you leave. This is illegal in some countries.

These folders are carefully gone through for "Fair Game" on you if you ever speak out against the Church, whistle blow or criticize the church.

Office of Special Affairs (OSA) gleans your buttons right out of your Confession auditing sessions. That which cause you to REACT. OSA then pay outside contractors to build and host the hate sites. David Miscavige RUNS or Manages OSA through RTC "Religious Technology Center" or directly.

So the Church of Scientology hate websites have nuggets of truth from confessional folders and the remaining 80% of what is posted is LIES. They LIE, they EMBELLISH, they simply make it up !
It's the greatest good !