Pricing Scientology out of reach | Print |
Tuesday, 30 August 2011 21:23
In 1990, while I was directing marketing for the Dianetics Route, I attended a SMI convention (Scientology Missions International) in Clearwater with MEI (Marketing Exec Int, which was Ronnie Miscavige). Also attending were a large number of people from what were called “pioneer areas.”

They told Ronnie and I that they had a terrible problem: book pricing was out of hand. A single book in many countries such as Equator and Columbia — in places where Dianetics was popular — cost the equivalent of month’s wages for the average worker.


Made of
paper! How could it be?

Needless to say, dissemination was totally blocked. So I jumped all over this and put together a comprehensive pricing submission to reprice these books according to the LRH formula. When COB saw it, the reaction was so bad you would have thought I had proposed to burn down the Int base and soaked the submission in gasoline. He said I was proposing to
denigrate the tech and create a price engram. What worse denigration of the tech than to price it out of reach? What worse price engram?

I found myself confronting a situation so evil it was nearly unfathomable. What and who could possibly WANT to price LRH books completely out of reach?  

It was so suppressive, it made me sick. Literally. A week later I started to speak out about it since a formal submission didn’t work. Suddenly I was assigned to the RPF. The reason: I was told a mysterious interrogatory found me as an “enturbulative source.” Really?

I was quite close to everyone in Central Marketing Unit, which at the time was part of Exec Strata. I had no enemies there. The interrog was executed by CMO Int. ED Int himself, plus two others came to get me and escorted me to HCO where minutes later I was hustled into a van and deposited 90 miles away in Los Angeles without even the chance to tell my wife goodbye or grab my tooth brush. I had no money and had to borrow soap and shampoo from other RPFers in LA. Who ordered the “interog”? Why was everyone in such a hell fire hurry to get rid of me? I never knew. But now I know.

What David Miscavige is doing is falsely pricing things so high in the name of “quality” that no one can afford to buy them. And for the latest insight on that subject, here is Tom

~ Thoughtful

Pricing Scientology out of reach

by Tom Martiniano

“Things, good or bad, don’t just happen, they are made to happen. When one understands this, then he can begin to unravel some of these mysteries.” LRH Confidential Rollback Issue

The Ideal Org program as promoted by RTC as “THE” program to boom Scientology, is a not only a big failure but is just a sham and is designed to fail and run the church into the ground.  Anyone promoting or supporting this program is connected to an SP and needs PTS education and handlings.

Attached is the latest information out of one of the premier Ideal Orgs, Stevens Creek. The attached major mag from this org arrived to the mailed address of a friend in July, 2011. This mag itself is living proof that the Ideal Orgs are a scam and that they are designed to fail.  First we have the dismal production and then we see the actual block on the bridge which is now isolated for all to see.


The Policy from LRH regarding orgs is: HCO PL 27 September, 1957 (No Title) OEC Vol II Pg 401:  “Anyone doing this mistakes our basic mission, which is not the charging of high prices, but the dissemination of Scientology to the end goal of bringing a new and better culture to Earth.”

Statistics for a current Scientology Class V Orgs is dismal compared to any earlier decade and as a direct quote from LRH: “Below the briny bedrock of the deepest blue oceans”

The situation out there is that the orgs delivery is shrinking with the advent of David Miscaviage’s much hyped “bright idea” - his -  “Ideal Org Program” which is about as off-source as auditing on Skype.   

In the late 60’s and early 70’s LRH had established and single-handedly run orgs, then had written policy for situations he had run across in expanding orgs and then planned and established the pattern for Class IV Orgs in the USA, Canada, Europe and ANZO.  He codified all of the policy he had written for administration, making it possible for the orgs to expand.  With the advent of the Sea Organization LRH made his planning become a reality (verified by stats) and made the orgs really expand thereby getting people up the bridge in volume.  The final workout was HCO PL BOOMING AN ORG THROUGH TRAINING.  Here LRH calls for orgs to concentrate on making auditors who will in turn create a demand for PCs and then making more and more auditors.  The result was big fat expanding orgs and Scientology in affluence throughout the 70’s to the mid-80’s.

In the below mag, as you can see, on the cover, the theme is “Training” and “Co-auditing” and throughout the mag you will see the emphasis on training and co-auditing.  But the solution to get trained is a problem in itself and therefore a crime by management.  Here is Stevens Creek products for the last two months:

BASICS BOOKS:  Twenty books completed (mainly by staff who were made to purchase the basic books) = 20 comps (separate book completions).

HGC Completions:

Scientology DRD: =     1
Repair Program: =   1
HRD =  1
Confessional = 1
Purif = 1
Grade 0 = 1
Marriage Counseling = 1 couple


OEC Mini-Hat = 1
STCC = 1
Level 1 = 1
Staff Status 1 = 1
BSM = 1

That is TWO MONTHS (2 MONTHS) production for an “Ideal Org”. That is this year. Dismal. In any Midwest org in 1976, this would have been one day’s production.


Stevens Creek is one of the “better” orgs in the USA and is a good sample of the “average” Ideal Org. This is a magazine that is promoting training in orgs and co-auditing in orgs.  In looking at the price lists from this org mag we see the block on the bridge for anyone wanting to become a trained auditor and/or co-auditing.  The purpose of co-auditing one’s way up the bridge is to be able to afford going clear and OT.  But check out these prices:



Basic Book & Lecture Package =  $ 3,250 (Mandatory prerequisite to any training)
Student Hat Course =  $ 600
Pro TRs Course = $1,860
Upper Indoc TR Course = $460
Pro Metering Course = $2,160
Method 1 Co-Audit Course = $600
Acad Levels 0-IV @$2,160 ea or     $10,800
Quantum Meter = $4,185 (all auditors are to have 2 meters = $8,370 but we’re only going to count 1 here.
Course Pack = $75 x 5 = $375

Total Cost for a prospective trainee to become an Auditor = $24,290.  

If the prospective trainee purchases an IAS Lifetime Membership he can add $5,000 on top of that $24,290 = $29,290.

Now minus IAS Membership Discount of $4,850 (20%) = $24,432 + IAS Membership of $5K =  $29,432 to become an auditor in a Class V Org - if - one is an IAS member (and this is if he makes it through the IAS, Superpower and Ideal Org gauntlets on his routing form without paying there and if he has to purchase just one Basics Package – all of which are very unlikely).

According to the US Census Bureau the 2009 United States average household income is $49,777.  To train to be an auditor is more than half of the average yearly income of an American household which makes training out of reach for people wanting to co-audit or just become an auditor.

It took me five minutes to find the average income for the American Household on the Internet. This means it was within reach of David Miscavige who approves all pricing for all Scientology services and LRH books.  This means the pricing was done purposely in order to keep training out of reach of the average income maker in order to keep Scientology small and the tech unavailable.

The "Who" is COB David Miscavige. I might include GI Exec Int, but there hasn’t really been anyone on that post for years... scratch that: decades. In fact, for all of Int management, no one has been on post for decades. What has been there are robots, all controlled by the micro-mis-managment of David "Disaster" Miscavige.

The handling, of course, is to get in ethics on David Miscavige (which would require him going to jail) and to start delivery of Scientology all over again using pricing that would allow the natural expansion of Scientology.

So there it is; proof that orgs are designed to fail.

Written by Tom Martiniano