McCarthyism – Alive and Well | Print |
Tuesday, 19 July 2011 14:46


Joe McCarthy, of early 1950s fame, who resorted to branding people as communist, and who proceeded to destroy people’s reputations and lives by associating them with his campaign, also had the art down of branding anyone who spoke up against him, as communist or a communist supporter. During his reign of terror in America (1950- 1954) his tactics, known as “McCarthyism”, eventually became evident to the general public.

david-miscavige-5David Miscavige is the Joe McCarthy of Scientology, using his position to defame anyone who stands against him or the “propriety” of his administration. Speak up against David Miscavige and you are rapidly, if not instantly, labeled a Suppressive Person, you are listed on OSA’s “someone to watch out for”, and generally speaking you are ostracized from the Scientology of which you have as much right to, as any “golden-rod” waving Miscavigism.

Joseph McCarthy was eventually shut down, by his peers, at senate level, who voted to censure him and it worked, in spite of his national popularity.

It's important that we do the same with David Miscavige - continue to tell people to censor him, shut him down, cut off his lines to the general Scientology public, and make his voice ineffectual. It is happening already.  People outside the walls of David’s little camp, are waking up and seeing that “his” Scientology, is not the one they joined, and certainly not Ron’s brand.  We need to keep telling people to not listen to him, and soon enough, his power to mind-bend and influence the general Scientology population, will be nullified. That is a fate worse than death for him because then he won’t be able to parade around, pretending to one and all to be saving Scientology, when in fact he is washing it down the drain.

McCarthyism has been reborn within the confines of the Church of Scientology management structure, and like Joe McCarthy, David Miscavige needs to be censored, and shut down.

For every person that we get to see the truth, there is a domino effect which permeates the Scientology world.  The walls inside DM’s world might not be shaking yet, but I assure you, in spite of his arrogance, it is coming. And luckily for us, that arrogance is blinding him and will be the self-made sword that finishes him off in the end.

Written by Outside The Box