A MESSAGE TO OTs | Print |
Tuesday, 22 September 2009 06:44

(Note: "OT" stands for Operating Thetan -- a person who has regained his or her spiritual abilities. An OT "operates" or makes things happen in day-to-day life by thought. It's Murphy's Law in reverse. Within an OT's sphere of influence things just tend to go right. The telephone rings, opportunities arise, the right people show up, in short, when the mental brakes are removed things just move in the right direction. It makes living FUN and continually interesting. One rises to "OT" in three ways (all are necessary) increasing knowledge about the mind, yourself, people and life by studying Hubbard's books and lectures; by getting trained as an auditor (Scientology counselor) since that gives you skills to confront anything; and by getting auditing yourself, the various levels of which constitute the metaphorical "bridge" to move anyone from their existing state up to the higher levels of ability and potential you know you're capable of. But in the case of Scientology, those aren't just empty promises. Each step of auditing ends when you obtain a specific named ability -- and you are the one who determines when you have it. Some of those abilities include, "Ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject," "Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish," "Relief from the sufferings and hostilities of life," "Freedom from the upsets of the past and the ability to face the future," "Moving out of fixed conditions into ability to do new things," "Ability to handle power," "Freedom from dramatization," "Clear" -- a being who no longer is affected by his past bad experiences, "Return of self determinism and freedom from overwhelm," "Cause over life." Believe it or not, people actually gain these abilities one by one as they move up in Scientology -- provided they take responsibility for the world around them. Everything pivots on RESPONSIBILITY as T Paine explains in this excellent article. -- Thoughtful)


Old RKO logoI am calling upon you, as an OT, to look into the current situation within Scientology and take action based on what you find and your conscience.

I know you will have been told “don’t look at that! Don’t read that stuff," usually with accompanying threats. But what if there really is something wrong with Scientology today? What if those kind of prohibitive warnings are based on fear you’ll find out and those telling you not to look are engaging in censorship born out of their own vested interest? Because they are.

You should observe and decide for yourself, the actions of looking and deciding are not overts despite what you have been told, they are common sense, and they are in fact your duty as an OT.

You have a vital say in the future of Scientology. If you opt out of that responsibility you hand over control to others and make them cause over you and what will happen. For those of you that opt in and accept your responsibility, to make the right decisions you need the real facts, the true scene.

There are a great many valid accusations floating around against David Miscavige. But the contentions I’m placing before you here are simple and many examples of them are observable by obnosis. Remember that term? The action of observing the obvious.

My contentions are three in number, they are:

  1. That gross financial fraud and off-LRH-policy actions have been perpetrated by David Miscavige which put Scientology at risk.
  2. That willful out-tech has been and is being committed on you and others directly by or on the orders of David Miscavige.
  3. That the accomplishments and stats of Scientology, as relayed to you by David Miscavige, are false.

I am of the belief that you know and are aware of a great deal more regarding these points than you dare let on. I believe you have seen and experienced things that made you wonder: “what the hell is going on in Scientology today?” but you have suppressed such thoughts in an effort to avoid punishment. I know this because I have experienced the same thing and have spoken to OTs and Scientologists who have said as much to me -- so I assure you, many others share the same thoughts.

Gross Financial Fraud and off-LRH-policy actions

If you open up OEC Volume 2 at page 106, you will find a reference written by LRH in 1970, entitled WHAT YOUR DONATIONS BUY. In it LRH states:

“I know that Dianetic and Scientology services should be free and I wish they were.”

He then goes onto say why our services can’t be free and explains what your service donations buy -- dissemination campaigns, legal and other defense, the fighting of human rights issues, expanding your local org, even helping Third World countries with educational programs and cleaning up parts of the environment.

In other words, this article, along with the LRH Finance Series and a number of other finance references from LRH, explain the Scientology finance system and the fact that the concept of exchange is fundamental to it -- we charge for the church services we provide (auditing and training) and this is how we fund all our activities.

All of the above is the basic finance system of Scientology and it worked for many years. Parishioners pay for the services which they receive and this enables all the wheels to keep turning for the whole of Scientology as well as expansion, local and international.

But if this is our system why did Miscavige set up and continue the elaborate IAS fund raising structure? Why do you have to pay for legal defense, Third World country handlings, dissemination campaigns, the fighting of human rights issues and all the rest via your payments for costly church services on the one hand, only to have to pay for these same things all over again through “fund raising”? And you’d be right if you asked that question because you’ve probably had to pay for the very same things over and over again in the last few years. Simply put, you have been repeatedly conned into handing over money to pay for something you already paid for.

Miscavige has cleverly altered working Scientology finance systems because you will find no LRH reference on fund raising. And LRH warns us against people who mess with workable church finance systems. In HCO PL 18 Feb 1982 (Finance Series 27) CHANGING WORKABLE FINANCE SYSTEMS, LRH states: “Beware of people who change workable finance systems … The reason for … changes was evidently personal power. Org solvency declined, staffs went into apathy over inability to control their income … the cost to orgs was staggering … they [changes to workable finance systems] could have crippled Scientology.”

But what you have to realize is that in addition to your own personal finance distress, due to having to repeatedly pay, there are many other destructive ramifications for Scientology in this thing called “fund raising“. It is a highly injurious short circuit of the LRH system for running, managing and expanding our orgs. You see, with this bogus fund raising system in place, David Miscavige, the self appointed dictator of Scientology, doesn’t have to follow LRH policy and see that orgs expand in order to raise money, instead he can just get his IAS minions to put you into debt or get you to re-mortgage your house. Miscavige can even get the entire staff of Scientology orgs working as IAS reps (though that’s not anywhere on the LRH org board), raking in millions and millions of dollars that go straight to corporations controlled by him to the tune of at least three quarters if a billion dollars so far. And just as it is killing your finances, it’s killing our orgs, because it’s a destructive, criminal and unusual solution.

Remember, function monitors structure so this kind of short circuit warps our structure and turns it into one so oriented to heavily pushing money that it crashes Scientology. That‘s exactly according to LRH -- see HCO PL 31 August 1971, The Executive Council Network Disbanded, in which LRH explains how an income push crashed Scientology in 1971.  

And Miscavige extended this off-policy system to the purchase of buildings for orgs which is absolutely not your hat. The purchase of org buildings should never have been placed on your shoulders because it falls within the routine LRH designed finance system.

Look, in his general lip service to LRH, Miscavige tries to pawn off on you the idea that a “vertical straight up ideal org” is LRH, it is not. Read HCO PL The Ideal Org (OEC Volume 7, page 282), it mentions nothing about the elements of Miscavige’s bogus “strategy”. Then read HCO PL Quarters, Policy Regarding, Historical (OEC Volume 7, page 1394), which was written by LRH less than four months later and gives the real LRH scene on how to procure quarters for orgs which is the opposite of Miscavige’s “ideal org strategy” and utterly invalidates it. Then read HCO PL The Executive Council Network Disbanded (OEC Volume 7, page 162) written by LRH just a few months after that, which will give you the low down on what happens to Scientology when it goes on a money push. And see other articles on this subject at Scientology-cult.com.

Let me ask you this: ever heard of the LRH datum that you never reward a down statistic? Well, if an org is not upstat, if it is not expanding, why are you being asked to buy it a bright, shiny, huge, expensive new building and fund very costly renovations? That doesn’t sound like Scientology to me. Frankly, it’s the opposite; its squirrel and no good can come of it.

As for upstat orgs, LRH rewarded them with buildings because they had earned it, and guess what? The money came out of savings from funds the public had paid for services.

But there is even more to this problem. There is no transparency or accountability with the money that gets raised using these methods. Funds collected from the public for one reason when used for a different one or not used at all could be construed as fraud. When it inures to the benefit of an individual the church gets into even deeper potential trouble.

There are two types of donations to non-profit organizations, Restricted Income and Unrestricted Income. Unrestricted income is made up of general donations that can be spent on anything that legitimately furthers the purpose of the organization. But Restricted Income is made up of donations given for specific purposes and they can ONLY be spent on the purpose for which the donation was made. If you gave a donation to the IAS for “Current German Defense”, it is supposed to be spent and ONLY spent on “Current German Defense”. But that isn’t happening, because in amongst a few real situations, a great many alarming stories are told to you just so you hand over money, or the same alarming story is repeated over and over again. There is no way Miscavige is complying to the regulations on this (spending or correctly spending the specific donations).

Take Super Power donations.  Church registrars are now telling Scientologists they have to pay more money for Super Power because forty million dollars of Super Power funds was spent on the Oak Cove building instead. That is a major violation for non-profit organizations; those funds were not donated for that purpose.

But that’s not all, let’s just look at some other undisputed facts:

There are a number of witnesses and a video posted on the Internet of the fact that David Miscavige spent a quarter of a million dollars to throw a birthday party for his celebrity pal Tom Cruise on the Freewinds. It seems the Freewinds’ chefs were not good enough and chefs from Cruise’s favorite restaurant were specially flown in. Do you realize that Miscavige does not have the right? It is a misuse of church monies and it inured to the benefit of individuals (Tom Cruise and David Miscavige) and in the very least Miscavige is personally liable for having spent that money because he cannot justify it as a legitimate church expense. Just because he appointed himself supreme dictator of Scientology does not give him the right, within the law, to play fast and loose with church monies, far from it. It’s called breach of fiduciary duty – Miscavige has a duty to use church monies correctly.

A few years ago David Miscavige spent seventy million dollars constructing an RTC office for his own use. And no, the building is not as big as you think; it’s a sickening waste of church funds, so sickening and such a waste that it is another example of breach of fiduciary duty by Miscavige for which he is at least civilly liable to you and me, the parishioners. In cases involving other churches, parishioners have successfully sued their church leaders for recovery of such funds.

There are also countless examples of personal extravagance by Miscavige, expensive holidays, expensive cloths, you name it, including the use of IAS monies on such things.

Miscavige thinks he’s safe because by law he’s not required to file or disclose the accounts of religious nonprofit organizations so you‘ll never find out, but he is mistaken.

But, as an ex Sea Org member of many years, none of the above curdles my blood quite as much as the monies David Miscavige pays himself and a handful of his cronies -- hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in pay, bonuses and perks. That has me spitting blood!

In the above reference from 1970 (WHAT YOUR DONATIONS BUY), LRH also states:

“A Sea Org member draws only about four pounds a week and his room and board.

“Occasionally some church or mission goes on a big kick of high pay. We very soon pull the rug from under that … we frown on money-motivation like a thundercloud.”

Now, along with thousands of other dumb asses, I thought we (Sea Org members) were all in the same boat, working for the cause, not for money -- because that’s what LRH stated. So when I found out that Miscavige dominated the church so he could pay himself big bucks and even bigger bonuses -- we are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars per annum -- well, that alone is enough to start a revolution in my book, because that says it all: Miscavige is money motivated, making himself rich out of Scientology, it's utterly obscene. The self appointed top man in the church is corrupt.

Miscavige hijacked the leadership of the church (to which he was not entitled), smashed existing management structures to pieces so he had free reign and used his RTC Reps to stat push Advanced Tech Value of Services Delivered (that’s his/their stat if you can believe that) and pay himself big bonuses based on that stat quite in addition to sky-high pay.

If for any reason you don’t believe me go ahead and ask him how much he has been paying himself, you have every right to know because it’s your church too.

And there is absolutely no way RTC should have a Church service delivery stat, it's absurd, let alone one that zeros in on OT services -- that’s why he bears down on you OTs so furiously, that’s why he stat pushes OT completions and is one of the reasons he makes you have a sec check every six months, who cares if you are overrun to all hell, you represent his big bumper bonus pay packet. In Scientology terms it is absolutely criminal.

And a serious word of warning about the future of Scientology, Miscavige may justify it by saying that he doesn’t pay himself any more than the heads of other churches, so he thinks he’s safe, he’s mistaken. Employment law does not compare a situation in one company with a similar situation in another; it looks at, and expects consistency within any given company and expects the company policy to be applied fairly and evenly.  So what that means is that since Miscavige has been paying himself big bucks all these years, contrary to our policy (our sacred scriptures in fact), he has effectively set a precedent, undermined and CHANGED our policy and ALL Sea Org members and ex Sea Org members are due commensurate back pay. If only 5000 Sea Org members are owed just $100,000 for their years of service, that’s a liability of 500 million dollars. And because Miscavige has kept his pay hidden for so long lawyers should be able to get around any statute of limitations.

“Oh, but you were all volunteers” Miscavige will say. “So were you” we’ll all answer.

Now, I don’t think Sea Org and ex Sea Org members should get that money, I think Miscavige should be forced to pay back what he took. And I think he should be held accountable for the quarter of a million he spent on Tom Cruise and all the other items I mention and all the other things we don’t yet know about. That way everybody wins (except Miscavige).

Willful out-tech on you and others by David Miscavige.

As OTs there is a piece of blatant out tech committed on you that you have been a party to and I think you know it. Sec checking a pre-OT who is in the non-interference zone, unless they absolutely need it, is forbidden by LRH. So why have you allowed Miscavige to insist you pay for and get a sec check every six months if on OT VII, after OT VII, after OT VIII, after OT IV and before OT V etc.?  He uses these to enrich himself and to hold you under his control.

Dunking stool test for a witch
 If she drowns, she's a witch!
 Have a misdeed? You need a sec check!

Listen, you have been controlled by a test you couldn’t pass. It’s just another con. We all know, and Miscavige knows there is not one person on this planet that is free from overts; it’s the nature of the universe in which we live. And even if you are as clean as a whistle, pushed hard enough you’ll mock some up -- thetans have that ability. So, if you ever show any resistance to Miscavige you are thrown on the meter or into sec check and your overts are restimulated and ah ha! Gotcha! Because of course your resistance to Miscavige is coming from your overts and that serves two purposes, it shows the world “why” you resisted and it backs you off, and now suitably introverted you mistakenly feel it really was your overts that made you speak out about out-tech or whatever the objection was.

But don’t feel bad, you are not alone; Miscavige has used this and other mechanisms on staff and many others, which brings me to another key point. What Miscavige does could be termed as intentional and knowing restimulation, it could also be called behavior modification and many other things but that’s not my point. My point is that as an OT you have a duty to stop it, to put an end to this practice. You certainly may NOT condone it; it’s one of the few duties LRH gave you.

“6. No OT may engage in, condone or authorize any implanting or knowing restimulation.” -- L. Ron Hubbard, HCO PL 30 September 1966, OT REGULATIONS

And realize that if Miscavige is so willing to commit non-interference zone out-tech on OTs, what other out-tech has he willingly carried out?  Well, see articles on the Scientology-cult.com website and others linked thereon and especially Marty Rathbun’s website and blog for the real state of the tech in Scientology today.

But again, I think you know more than you let on.

I expect you are aware of the blatant use of confidential, non-actionable PC session data for ethics handlings on those PCs, because this violation of the priest-penitent privilege is now rampant in Scientology. Please tell me, how the hell can a PC sit in session, and remain “in session”, when he/she knows full well that anything could be taken down and used against him/her out of session? That kind of thing destroys case gain and PCs.

And frankly, I don’t see the results these days. Look around, I’m not impressed with PCs coming off the production line. Are you? The results I see are just so ho hum at best – or have I just told you the emperor is not wearing any clothes? But what do you expect? Do you think you can deliver auditing in a strained, heavy ethics, heavy reg, bear-down-on-you environment and get great results? If you do you miss the point regarding the true conduct and attitude of Scientology as stated by LRH, that auditing is FOR the PC and it only works when delivered in a genuinely pc-friendly environment.

Just as with your finances, you and the ones you care about are being sold horribly short when it comes to the tech.

Recall the atmosphere of Scientology orgs and auditing environments two or three decades ago and remember the wins and results that were being gotten back then. Now compare the current auditing/org environments and the results being gotten today on the same actions. The difference is all down to the out-tech and the fearful auditing/training atmosphere Miscavige has created. And it’s not just me, I know many people who would never dream of getting auditing in a Scientology org until this is fixed, they’d rather eat ground glass.

So when you say to yourself, “well I know there is something wrong with Miscavige and everything is not right and there are some abuses, but I don’t want to lose the Bridge”, you really should wake up to the simple fact that you are not getting it anyway and you will not really get it until this is handled.

The accomplishments and stats of Scientology, as relayed to you by David Miscavige, are false.

Now realize that if the above is true, to cover his tracks Miscavige would have to make sure that you thought Scientology was a runaway train of expansion and achievements, and that your money was buying more than his personal comfort, which is exactly what he tries to portray at the countless illegal events you are dragged to (they are illegal because LRH forbid them as a distraction to the public and the real duties of org staff).

It’s not for me to point out that Scientology really didn’t reach two billion people with VM tech recently or one billion people with human rights campaigns or that the stats of Scientology are not going up – all bogus claims made by Miscavige. It’s a well known fact to long term church staff that the international stats made a down turn in June 1991 (when Miscavige nuked church management) and have never reverted.

I know on-lines OTs who have expressed to me their disgust that Scientology accomplishments portrayed at events are heavily exaggerated at best, so I am going to assume that you know it too, and if you don’t then you need to go to an event and open your eyes and ears and observe. Observe the gross distortion in accomplishments; hear the stats rattled off so fast by Miscavige that you really can’t tell what he’s saying or the significance he’s trying to convey, it just sort of “sounds good”. And when you analyze his assertions they are impossible.

The simple truth is Scientology is not expanding and hasn’t for nearly two decades.

And if Miscavige is telling you falsehoods, lies and half-truths, how certain can you be about his assertions concerning OT IX and X on up? Well, you can’t because he’s lying to you about those things too. It’s all just part of the carrot and the stick. He beats you with ethics (the stick) while he holds out the mirage of the unreleased OT sections (the carrot) and for that, it seems, you will endure ANYTHING and pay ANYTHING.

Liabilities for Scientology

Now, if you add up all the different types of potential liability Miscavige has created for Scientology:

  • Disgruntled public wanting refunds due to out tech and ethics environment not conducive to auditing.
  • Hundreds of millions of dollars of fund raising monies coerced from people that might have to be given back due to being raised under false pretenses or incorrectly used.
  • Sea Org and ex Sea Org staff that are owed pay commensurate with that which Miscavige incorrectly paid himself.
  • Legal suits due to other employment law violations carried out by Miscavige at International Headquarters.
  • Illegal freeloader bills collected from ostracized staff in California (it’s against California employment law).
  • Plus class action suits based on other Miscavige abuses including enforced abortions.
  • Potential criminal investigation and/or action from the IRS.

And if you add up what it could cost to handle each, you will see that it is likely more than the corporations hold in assets. In others words, far from saving it (the commonly held but false myth) Miscavige has brought Scientology to the brink of disaster. Think I’m exaggerating? Well, part of what Miscavige doesn’t want you to see on the Internet is information on legal suits against the Church and RTC that have started this ball rolling and the countdown clock a ticking.

Time is short, you need to decide and act.

So, you need to think about this. You need to look into it, decide and act.

If you don’t act soon and help those that are determined to change things for the better, between governments and greedy lawyers the issue may be taken out of our hands and there might not be much left when the dust settles. Government departments are slow to act but when they get going they are hard to stop and they don’t much care about collateral damage. And when the legal fraternity smells blood in the water, look out.

Like many others, I never imagined I would see the day when I thought Scientology a fraud and a cult, but it is. Only the fraud is committed by David Miscavige on people like you and me. And Scientology has become a Davidian cult of the Miscavige variety, all of us coerced to deliver up blind, unquestioning allegiance while he plays footsie with the tech and your money.

Well, it’s all about to change. With his abusive actions over the years Miscavige has aliened thousands of old time staff and Scientologists. So the best minds that were in Scientology are now on the outside looking in, the best marketing guys, the best tech people by far, the real experts in legal and PR and most of the real managers. In fact, they are the people who really served you so well over these past decades, the people to whom you owe thanks. And they can’t be bought off with money like so many others have in the past, nor will they be intimidated by Miscavige and his bully boy tactics. And they are one hell of a team, because they share a common bond, the kind of unbreakable bond forged during the tough times of abuse dished out by Miscavige, or years on the RPF, or the times of real expansion for Scientology, or the heat of battle during the fight with the very real external enemy. As a group they are formidable in size and ability, the last of a breed, the last of their kind, but before they go they will see this thing put right.

It will happen, Miscavige left himself defenseless by getting rid of his best people, he will be ousted and changes within Scientology will be made, no matter what it takes. But with your help it will go faster, it will be easier and there will be much more of Scientology left standing when its all over.

And never again will a sole ruler dictate over Scientology.  

To join them all you have to do is anything you can to help, they are not looking for martyrs. They care about you. You and other Scientologists are why they are acting.

You have nothing to fear from them, they represent true Scientology, but you should heed your own conscience, that’s what you need to be concerned about, what you will do to you if you see these things and fail to act.

And they want you in the group, celebrating a bright new future for Scientology when this is all over.

Written by T Paine