Tuesday, 24 November 2009 10:31
In addition to the various articles I've written under the name of T. Paine -- which spell out my viewpoint clearly -- I'd like to present the following rationale as a further basis for my declaration as an Independent Scientologist.


Photo of Haydn James, aka T Paine
Haydn James, aka "T Paine" (and Kitty)

I have not one shred of doubt that Scientology is a religion, never have had. To me the evidence is clear and unequivocal. Though we may not talk about it often, faith is a very important element in Scientology.

In the lecture SELF-DETERMINISM ON THE DYNAMICS, dated 23 October 1951 LRH points out that the 8th Dynamic is actually faith, when he says:

“… Because the eighth dynamic is faith. It is not even knowledge, and it is certainly not ARC or understanding. It is faith; it is a static, and in a complete static there is no understanding. The individual is taught ‘You have to understand things in life,’ so he goes ahead and tries to understand the eighth dynamic. But you can’t understand the eighth—that is faith! You accept it. You don’t try to wonder about it.”

People may gain faith from life experiences, visiting with holy men and in other ways I am sure, but other than Scientology, I know of no actual technology that is capable or restoring, repairing or creating a resurgence of faith in an individual -- which provides incredible certainty that nothing can strike them down or a feeling that everything is absolutely going to be alright or any other way one may wish to describe it.

In the above lecture, this is how LRH described it:

“There was a very interesting officer who sailed with Columbus. He was a dashing fellow; he did very dangerous things continually. One time Queen Isabella was sitting on the top of a turret and she was bored, so this fellow said, ‘Oh, you’re bored, Your Highness?’  And he stepped over the edge of the parapet onto a beam about six inches wide and about three hundred feet above the ground that was sticking out about twelve feet. He just walked it, turned around in a circle on the end of it—he was not any kind of a ballet dancer or anything—and walked back. Queen Isabella had fainted!

“Anyhow, this officer had a little picture of the Virgin Mary, and he always carried this picture of the Virgin Mary… Two or three years later we find this officer conducting an expedition on his own. He sailed the Atlantic. Knowing nothing about seamanship or anything else, he sailed the Atlantic and explored the coast of Cuba and there he set up a colony. We don’t hear of these wildcat adventures that went on during Columbus’s expedition because he squashed them. If you had asked this fellow how he stood on the subject of the eighth dynamic—the Supreme Being—he would have looked at you very blankly. He would have said, ‘Why, the Virgin Mary takes care of me; I get along all right. I don’t have to be afraid of anything. I don’t know what you’re talking about, because nothing can happen to me—nothing!’  And he acted that way. And to the end of this man’s career, nothing ever disturbed this. He did the most fantastic things imaginable. This fellow was running on pure faith.”


So, if I believe Scientology to be a religion and that it possesses the only known techniques for restoring/maintaining faith in an individual, why you might ask have I left the Church of Scientology.

The answer is a simple one. Miscavige has caused Scientology to fall into the same trap that most religions fell into, at one time or another and it doesn’t look like it is going to climb out any time soon. Within the Church of Scientology the religion is no longer used to expand the 8th Dynamic for its members. Instead the 8th Dynamic is used by Miscavige to control people. It’s all inside out and back to front.

In the C of S today, if you don’t act a certain way, appear at a certain time and at a certain place or pay a certain amount of money you will be consigned to the cosmic scrap heap for the rest of all time. If you don’t toe the party line you could lose your eternity. If you don’t pay homage to Miscavige or if you have the audacity to speak your self-determined mind you will “lose your Bridge” — you may never get to do it — and you will descend into the deep, dark pit of pain and oblivion, or so you are told. Examples of this kind of thing are legion.

Look, these are ALL threats concerning your eternity. They are all attempts to control you using the leverage of your entire future track. You see, in Miscavige’s Church of Scientology, the 8th Dynamic is being used as a mechanism to CONTROL you on the 3rd Dynamic. And what you must understand about this is that rather than help you it is the exact way to DESTROY your 8th Dynamic and your sanity because such actions are utterly antipathetic towards FAITH.

In the very same taped lecture LRH explained it this way:

“Faith, however, is an automatic proposition, and the reason a person tries to think on the
subject is that people try to use it as a control mechanism. And what this individual is trying to do is understand what is trying to control him in his own race—and he blames it on God. People are trying to control his actions and cut down his self-determinism by using the threat and potential of God. He gets upset on this subject so he bypasses trying to understand, because he didn’t understand what people were trying to do to him. He turns around and starts ‘understanding’ on the subject of a Supreme Being—but he can’t do it! And the second he does, he will spin.

“The way you undo it is find out who was trying to control him with the eighth dynamic. What human being was trying to control him with the eighth dynamic? What human beings were associated with him on the subject of the eighth dynamic? Unburden his contest and conclusions with regard to these human beings and all of a sudden the eighth dynamic will go right on up and be in beautiful shape.

"How do you rehabilitate this? First, you probably have to reorient an individual with regard to other people—just anybody. Get him in contact with other people, and then finally carve it down to a point where you undo the efforts of other people to control him through a warping of the eighth dynamic."

And that’s why, sooner rather than later, Miscavige is going to have to be audited out. He is actively spinning people in using the 8th Dynamic to threaten and control them. It won't get any better, they will just spin in further -- the poor souls that don’t spot this mechanism will act more and more crazy.

And that's exactly what LRH states in the same tape when he talks about sanity and the 8th Dynamic:

“But there is faith as it can be used. The reason why it keeps coming downhill (this is very simple) is that people try to control others with it. This is awfully important, because a large percentage of the individuals who are neurotic or insane are neurotic or insane because of this eighth dynamic louse-up. So you can put that down as important.

“If you take a look at the Minnesota Multiphasic as an intelligence test, you will find that an enormous number of its questions apply to religious aberration. And you will find out that the people who got that together took it empirically from insane asylums. This was not somebody’s figure-out; this was all the kinds of questions that they assembled and found as the most common points of trouble. You will find that maybe 30, 40 or 50 percent of the insane are insane mainly because of the eighth dynamic.”

I cannot condone or support, in any way, what Miscavige has done to Scientology. By the very Code of a Scientologist the active reduction of people’s sanity is unsupportable and something that should be vigorously opposed by one and all.

Perhaps the insanity point is why we now instinctively refer to members of the Church as “Kool Aide drinkers”. Because just like the Kool Aide drinkers that went before them, they are no longer thinking sanely on the subject of their faith. But this is no flippant matter because it pains me greatly to think of the colossal damage that has been done. How many thousands upon thousands of ex Scientologists and ex staff have been driven half crazy by this stunt? A stunt as old as this universe I am sure. And how many sit out there in the back of beyond convinced their 8th Dynamic/faith is all shot to hell when it was really Miscavige’s insidious use of the 3rd Dynamic that did the damage?


This is not really a case of me leaving the Church of Scientology or declaring independence, the fact is that due to Miscavige's destructive actions my religion was lost to me a long time ago. I left the Church, not so much in protest but in an attempt to regain my religion and it has worked beyond my wildest dreams. Having come out from under the twisted suppression described above and having had a little auditing at Marty's place, I have experienced a serious resurgence in faith. I have not felt like this in many years, if ever — a feeling that nothing can strike me down and that it will ALL go right.
And if LRH says that you lose your dynamics in the sequence of 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. And if leaving the C of S and spending a few days with Marty has resulted in me regaining my 8th Dynamic, then imagine what it has done to my other 7 dynamics and you will begin to see the magnitude of the win.

But these types of wins are not limited to me. I know them to be common place for those who have left the Church.


And what about the goal of building a new civilization you might ask? Well, I have been a Scientologist for more than 34 years and staff for 31 of those. But that amount of time is merely a few ticks of the universal clock. This is hardly the first time an attempt has been made to build a new civilization; there have been many on the track. And I am sure we have shared many an attempt together. I'd certainly like to think so.

The C of S is not going to build a new civilization with people driven crazy on the 8th Dynamic; they will have the opposite effect and are well along in that process. So, I'll keep working at it with my real friends on the outside, my true partners in this venture. It has been a very long journey to date but the road is wide and clear ahead of us. And I have not the slightest doubt that everything is going to be absolutely alright!

Written by Haydn James (T. Paine)  

Click here to see my Declaration of Independence