Should I ignore orders to disconnect | Print |
Friday, 16 October 2009 19:52


The Factors, April 1953
3. The first action of beingness is to assume a viewpoint.

-- L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology 8-8008


Since we can now handle all types of cases disconnection as a condition is canceled.

-- L. Ron Hubbard, HCO PL 15 November 1968, CANCELLATION OF DISCONNECTION


Perhaps the most fundamental right of any being is the right to communicate. Without this freedom, other rights deteriorate.

-- L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology Ethics, PTSness and Disconnection, pg 205


1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble.

2. Never withdraw allegiance once granted.

3. Never desert a group to which you owe your support.

4. Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power.

5. Never need praise, approval or sympathy.

6. Never compromise with your own reality.

7. Never permit your affinity to be alloyed.

8. Do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it.

9. Your self-determinism and your honor are more important than your immediate life.

10. Your integrity to yourself is more important than your body.

11. Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.

12. Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.

13. Don’t desire to be liked or admired.

14. Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.

15. Be true to your own goals.

-- L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology 0-8, The Code of Honor, Nov 1954


As a Scientologist, I pledge myself to the Code of Scientology for the good of all.

2. To use the best I know of Scientology to the best of my ability to help my family, friends, groups and the world.

10. To work for freedom of speech in the world.

-- L. Ron Hubbard, HCO PL 5 Feb 1969R, Code of a Scientologist


Scale of Political Philosophies
3.0 Republic
2.5 Democracy
2.0 Social Democracy
1.5 Fascism
1.1 Communism
0.0 Anarchism

-- L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology 0-8, pg 345


Robotism Scale
Other-determined  | Robot band
Oblivious                  | Robot band

-- L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology 0-8, pg 351


Havingness Scale, July 1957:
Contribute To

-- L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology 0-8, pg 302


Sub-Zero Tone Scale, August 1952
-1.0 Punishing other bodies
-1.3 Responsibility as blame
-1.5 Controlling bodies
-2.2 Protecting bodies
-3.0 Owning bodies
-3.5 Approval from bodies
-4.0 Needing bodies
-8.0 Hiding

-- L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology 0-8, pg 106


Q1  The common denominator of all life impulses is self-determinism.

-- L. Ron Hubbard, The Qs, Lecture of 10 Nov 1952, The Q List and Beginning of Logics


Those fields which most depend upon authoritative opinion for their data least contain known natural law.

-- L. Ron Hubbard, Advanced Procedure and Axioms, Nov 1951


On July 18, 1966, L. Ron Hubbard gave a lecture called “About Rhodesia.” He had just come back from a trip to the country now called Zimbabwe and discovered that a bunch of people had been "declared suppressive" by executives of Scientology headquarters at Saint Hill Manor in England. Staff were assembled so he could correct them on this and other points. In the lecture, LRH said,

“But you don’t have somebody that’s been around three years and [...] turn up suddenly to be an SP.“
. . .

“In all the time we’ve been around here we’ve only had one SP that I know of… Now whether he was an SP or PTS I’ve not made up my mind to this date because I haven’t investigated the case enough.“

[So, in 6 to 7 years of operation, Hubbard had only found one SP candidate.]

-- L. Ron Hubbard, LRH Recorded Lecture "About Rhodesia," July 18, 1966


Church Management has just canceled disconnection. Tommy Davis told Jake Coyle, writer for the Associated Press,The church doesn’t mandate disconnection with anybody."  He also told John Roberts on CNN, “There’s no such thing as disconnection… Scientology actually mandates – it’s really part of the code of being a Scientologist – to respect the religious beliefs of others, so certainly a Scientologist is going to respect their family members’ beliefs…We consider the family to be a building block of any society, so anything that is characterized as disconnection or this kind of thing is just not true. There isn’t any such policy in the Church dictating who you can and cannot be in communication with, it just doesn’t happen.”