I interview live streaming with Ron Miscavige Sunday morning | Print |
Monday, 16 December 2019 12:37
I interview live streaming with Ron Miscavige Sunday morning
I interviewed this morning lifting up the curtains to bring sunshine to their dark secret places. The cult LIES LIES LIES.
Pathological LIARs. They have even redefined the word LIE to "acceptable TRUTH."
Biggest LIE is that they are selling FREEDOM. Freedom from your baggage, Freedom from your mental issues~~actually its a TRAP. Read the 4 contracts you must sign giving away all rights to sue.
Biggest LIE is that they are selling FREEDOM. Freedom from your baggage, Freedom from your mental issues~~actually its a TRAP.
I also cover the lies from the clown Ryan Prescott who had written 2 books attacking major critics wityh OSA bullet points. A tissue of lies.
And a tribute to Michael Pattinson,. the gay man who spent $1/2 million dollars to UNGAY him and who was locked up in a cabin in FREEWINDS, a prisoner. RIP Michael. Fly high.