Church of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard's Death by Jesse Prince | Print |
Wednesday, 03 October 2018 23:28


Jesse Prince describes the events in RTC surrounding the death of L. Ron Hubbard. As Hubbard lay dying at his ranch, David Miscavige and Vicki Aznaran at the Int Base called the ranch hourly to ask if Hubbard had died yet.

Hubbard left no succession plan in his place so what happened as Hubbard lay dying, and immediately after his death, was what Jesse calls a "dumpster fire and train wreck."

RTC put on the super-serious LRH Death event at the Palladium followed by a secret invitation only wild party at a home in Hollywood once owned by Liberace. There was great relief that Hubbard was death. The party featured lots of premium alcohol and heavy drinking. "There was everything there except cocaine" Jesse says.