Meet Jillian Schlesinger, 2nd generation Ex Sea Org, just escaped 1/6 | Print |
Sunday, 23 March 2014 13:58

Jillian joined staff at 15 years old. She is now 29 and fled about 3 weeks ago. In this opening of the series Jillian tells about working conditions, slave labor for $8 a week and being forced to work 15 hours a day up to 19 hours a day. Contrast the glamor and the glitter of ribbon cutting some "Ideal Org" while Sea Org members have one working toilet for an entire FLOOR (some 100 occupants). Enforced cleaning of fiberglass with no protection given for two young girls. OSHA violations. Criminal endangerment of Human Health and Safety. Slave Labor. Human Trafficking and the beat goes on.
