Scientology Inc. Espionage by providing "best friend" to report to David Miscavige | Print |
Friday, 28 February 2014 01:11

Mark exited the "Sea Organization" 1 billion year contracts, church clergy.
He thought he was done.
Mark Fisher was then spied on over a period of 22 years.
He had been David Miscavige's CORPORATE LIASON a sham post top cover up
that Miscavige was ruling and running the "Church."
When there was an important trial he needed to be diverted away from (Lisa Mcpherson), a David Miscavige operative posing as a best friend (Ferris Khan) diverted him to a luxury free vacation in Mexico where he was taken to night clubs and photographed with girls who did table dances.These were then used on hate pages on him to embarrass him. Church ambush and set-up. It is oh so religious.

