Lisa Mcpherson (RIP) is remembered. Mark Bunker briefs the City of Clearwater | Print |
Sunday, 08 December 2013 03:55

Mark Bunker has recently re-located back to Clearwater where he can educate the City Council and the new generation officials on the Church's dark history.
The Church of Scientology is currently engaged in a nationwide conspiracy to impede and obstruct municipal, state and federal taxing authorities, by adopting a religious and charitable guise to avoid payment of taxes. It is masquerading as a church  by fake religious status. At best, it pays a pittance of its fair share of taxes. It is subsidized by the tax payer.
It acts like a business, walks like a business and quacks like a business.
he Church of Scientology has been engaged in repeated violations of the individual's rights by subjecting members to forced periods of confinement and interrogation and the performance of degrading acts. Google Lisa Mcpherson Scientology to learn more.

