The Cult of Scientology plays the Game of Musical Chairs to Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody | Print |
Friday, 22 April 2022 13:46
In order to shake up the Executives to produce MORE, Miscavige invented a terror incident of a macabre game where Sea Org members in deperation for a chair slugged each other, broke chairs and assault and battery continued for a while to Miscavige's amusement. This is life at the pinaccle of Scientology and this is the way the executives lived under Miscavige who rules with an iron fist and who's word is law. This story is a whole chapter in the book by Lawrence Wright Going Clear & The Prison of Belief. Also, the HBO movie called Going Clear goes into this musical chairs issue. Karen de la Carriere, a former Scientology Class XII C/S who served aboard the Apollo with L. Ron Hubbard. She was a devoted member for 40 years.