Intolerance - The Road to Disaster | Print |
Wednesday, 27 July 2011 16:46
There are various LRH-recommended books, and one of them I studied at the Int base while studying the subject of writing. The book was entitled Tolerance by Hendrik Willem Van Loon, a well-known Dutch-American author. Van Loon (pronounced "loan") wrote the book in 1925 and in it, he relates the history of tolerance down through the ages… or mostly, the lack of. I don't know if Outside the Box ever read Tolerance; I will have to ask. Obviously, David Miscavige never read the book, being the goose-stepping poster boy who’s likeness appears on the other side of the coin. — Thoughtful

Intolerance - The Road to Disaster

by Outside the Box

The stage which has been set within the inner confines of the Church of Scientology, is not a new drama; but like some Shakespearian play of old, the classic weave seems to go on and on through time, repeating itself over and over. The players are different (perhaps not), the circumstances are varied, but the story is the same.

If there was a message that people, such as L. Ron Hubbard, brought to the world, it was that tolerance was an absolute necessity, and a right, not a privilege – and certainly not a luxury.

Through the ages, besides advancement in the arts, humanities and science, the one thing that permitted these things to exist at all – was tolerance.  People had to tolerate new ideas, new beliefs, new concepts, new approaches. The steadfast, “do it my way or it’s the highway” was the very mentality that kept people thinking that some had rights and others did not – the decadent aristocracy of times long-gone. Where men have been intolerant, we have felt the ripples, if not the titanic waves.  The Roman empire disappeared because of it. The great English empire, ruling much of the world from a tiny island in the British Isles, lost their grip because they refused to tolerate other cultures, imposing their own through force, and eventually crumbling because of it. Hitler, Lenin, Stalin – in fact, World War II, if it taught anything to humanity, it was the fact that intolerance was the root of most any conflicts or suppressive or oppressive state. That millions of people could be exterminated by a regime, just 70 years ago, remembered as the Holocaust, reminds us that intolerance amongst men, is the road to disaster.

Sadly, in spite of all the work that L. Ron Hubbard engaged, nearly half a century of research and writings, lecturing and more, David Miscavige has actually corrupted Scientology into something that is intolerant of anyone who does not toe their proverbial line. Their PR Bureau, their media and exposes proclaim the highest values, which are truly entrenched in the works by Mr. Hubbard, but they are not practiced by the Church or its senior management.

We must continue to learn, as a race of people (not individual races), that peace, growth and prosperity come from tolerance. That one man, could recently step into a teenage camp-ground and shoot some 80 teenagers dead, because he personally was intolerant of other races and felt that his destiny was to set the world on course for another war, confirms the truth of this statement. Intolerance is the root of hate, disassociation from other people and is the metal that forges the weapons of war.

David Miscavige, though not as dramatic as some two-bit gunman in Norway, is no less guilty of crimes against humanity, for he has taken the most valuable piece of philosophy in the world, and turned it into a cult of intolerance. Mess with his “Scientology”, disagree with him or his interpretations and you are branded. Is it any different than pinning badges on Jews and sending them off the war camps? Not at all, because the result is precisely the same; one is alienated from one’s friends and family; one is treated as less, degraded, lower stock, a “DB” – or a “wog” – because one does not agree to cheer along the dictator, his mandates, and his version of the “Scientology of Intolerance”.

It took some years for the world to wake up to their own omissions, to their own disregard for the crimes being committed against humanity during World War II. That was just 70 years ago, less than one life-time.  It is hoped that we can wake up enough people, and get them to see how David Miscavige, the self-declared Chairman of the Board (who appointed him anyhow?) and dictator of Scientology, is no different than any other intolerant, authoritarian tyrant – who is, as we speak, doing exactly what every other dictator has done before him. Separate camps, draw the line, brain-wash people, through propaganda and internal campaigns that “those others are bad” and use that to justify committing crimes against people. That is the same modus operandi of every two-bit ruler of ages past.

David Miscavige does not own Scientology. Just like Hitler did not own Germany, and Stalin did not own Russia.  When people wake up, they realize that some two-bit phony has moved in and declared his or her ownership to the rights – and that can be undone in seconds, if enough people stand up and say “No!”