Illegal blanket C/Ses from David Miscavige | Print |
Wednesday, 28 April 2010 00:23
It was interesting to read one of the latest emails from FLAG, inviting people from all over the world to come to the Mecca to do the TRs & Objectives co-audit course. I shook my head and sighed. Fancy going all the way to FLAG to receive something that should be readily available in your local Org.

I can only assume that FLAG must be very desperate for public.

I then wondered how many people were having to redo their Objectives at FLAG because it was certainly rampant down here at the Class V Org level.

Blanket C/Sing of Objectives had started to rear its ugly head Down Under in 2002 but it was only the first trickle of it as far as I know.  I was on the “C/S Objectives to full EP” part of my C/S internship and I gathered as many pc folders as I could to do an Objectives table on them, ensuring they were all in.

I diligently checked each pc’s end phenomena on each process against the process reference, using a piece of HCOB QUICKIE OBJECTIVES as my stable datum. The tech of Objectives is extensive and still very much in force. They have their own EP's and with these they are fully run to actual change for the pc.  Only this is a valid handling of Objectives.

I  noted  any turn-on’s the pc had had. I was also to note the length of time that each Objective process was run.

I didn’t realize it at the time but there was no reference in any of the packs that mentioned the length of time that an Objectives process should be run.  Looking back this was probably the beginnings of “Objectives must be run for hundreds of hours,” as stated by one David Miscavige.

At an international event one night David Miscavige was filling everyone in on what an onlines/offlines public really was and how it had come to his attention that staffs all over the world apparently had the same misunderstood word on it.

He went into very descriptive definitions of this arbitrary and also mentioned, “...and I don’t want to hear anyone say they are ONLY Objectives completions. This planet has never had any tech before us, and Objectives far surpasses anything this planet has ever seen before.”

In my own Org I had programmed quite a few pc's and some  were very definitely quickied on Objectives and some were not. I was amazed that some pc's had been quickied to the degree that they had, processes run for 1, 2 or 3 minutes, with an EP of “I feel better.” 

I mentioned this on one of my telexes to the Snr C/S Executive Officer from Sydney, Stephanie Philip. I told her that it was one particular C/S who seemed to be doing the quickie Objectives and that I would send a cram to him as he was in the Sea Org now. Well, Stephanie told me not to worry about it because, as he had joined the Sea Org, his ethics must be in and he was training at FLAG now anyway.  

She then asked me what the Objectives delivery programs from the other C/S were like. (This C/S was a public who was not GAT trained). I told her that it all seemed pretty good and that just the occasional Objective process here and there were not flat but, generally, all were ok and pc's had definitely voiced the overall EP's.  

This was not good enough as far as Stephanie was concerned and she ordered me to write a KR on this particular C/S.  I am ashamed to say that I did KR this C/S even though everything inside of me told me not to. For the first and only time in my entire 10 years in Scientology, I did not route this particular person (the C/S in question) a copy of the KR. I was too ashamed, because I did not agree with it and I was simply being "compliant." 

A few months later I sent a request to have it removed from his ethics file but I don’t know if that ever got taken care of.

Anyhow, jump forward to 2006.  The AO had held a tech banquet in the Brisbane Org which was a really fun night and had revitalized three PC's.

These pcs' folders went down to the AO and were programmed to get the guys moving on the Bridge.  

Within a few weeks the folders were back with the pc's ready to rock and roll.  I cringed when I saw the programs. All 3 pc's were to “flatten” their Objectives!

Two of these guys had already “flattened” them twice, which would mean that they would be re-doing Objectives for the 3rd time each! Nuts, nuts, nuts!

Now I was left with the task of writing a reality factor for each of these poor guys. How I would do that without invalidating their prior gains, was the question.  

I put myself in their shoes and thought, "What would I think if I had to do these again?"  Well, I did the only thing I could and avoided looking at the folders!

My solution would not last long.

My senior was very excited as he came into my office to let me know he had scheduled two of the pc's to come in and get their R-factors from me.  I decided, if there was even a whiff of Bad Indicators from these pc's, then Objectives would not be done and the folders would be sent back for re-programming.

PC #1 sighed and said "Well, I guess the C/S knows my case better than me, so I’ll just do whatever he says."  That pc could never find the time to make a schedule to redo her Objectives and I never saw her again.  

PC #2 started in on the processes and her indicators got worse and worse. She decided to go onto her auditor training because, obviously, there was "something wrong" with her. She never arrived on course!

Sometime after COB's event and the mention of Objectives, the staff were privvy to a staff-only briefing by DM, (this I believe was one of the Freewinds Maiden Voyage OT briefings).

I distinctly remember DM saying to one of the OT's in the audience, “Don’t even bother to try and take notes, you will never keep up." I remember that well because one year earlier he had said exactly the same thing in regards to some other situation he was "correcting".

I don’t recall the exact words said, because DM was much too fast for me to bother taking notes. Put succinctly, his theory was along the lines of “Objectives should be run for hundreds of hours."

I could not think with that datum as it was such a generality.  I myself had had 30 hours of Objectives and could remember my cognitions. Mine definitely felt flat!  I would make sure that each pc had good, thorough Objectives and as long as the proper EP's were voiced, I was not going to listen to the “...hundreds of hours” opinion from someone who is not even trained as a C/S.

I C/S'ed quite a few first-time Objectives and was very happy with the results. One pc had 112 hours and good gain. I don’t recall the others' exact times but they were certainly not hundreds of hours. I would say 25hrs to 60hrs was about the average time.  In PT, at least three of those pc's have had to “flatten” the "out-tech" of "not enough hours."  So, as a “perfect” Golden Age of Tech C/S, I felt quite invalidated.

In March 2007, I went down to the AO for some self-originated cramming, and while I was down there I chatted with an SO member redoing his Purif.  He told me that he was not gaining on Objectives and that it was because his Purif was "unflat."

He went on to tell me, it had been found that lots of guys were actually unflat on their Purif's and what a theta thing it really was. (This “theta thing” was also used for the two huge piles of folders designated for non-Clear R-factors as well).

I asked "How is that a theta thing?"

His reply was, "Just imagine how bad it would be to move up the Bridge with an unflat Purif and all the gains that would be missed-out on."

So it seemed that not only were people being blanket C/S'd on Objectives but also on the Purif!  

I was glad to have been born in Brisbane and I was glad that we didn’t have too many pc's, because I was feeling very uncomfortable about the lack of control I was starting to have over my post.

And all due to these arbitrary and totally OUT TECH C/S's that were being issued!

I had also started to receive written and verbal crams on Objectives which were referring me to all sorts of references from the Congresses and other tape transcripts.

My staff contract ended in November 2007 and I managed to get out of the Org the day it finished.  I helped a tiny little bit in the Org as a volunteer after that but gradually, over time, it became less and less.

My plan was to ease out gently. This worked beautifully until I got a phone call from Stephanie in November 2009. She was back from FLAG where she had spent the last couple of years doing more training.

"Lise, how are you? I’ve been thinking of you for ages and wondering how you are doing."

Then the recruit cycle started but I was onto it and she got nowhere. The phone call ended cordially but I knew it would not be the last, so I braced myself and just kept saying, “No, I’m not joining staff.”

I would ignore all of the “Your Org needs you...” guilt-provoking communications.

I had not banked on Stephanie and the LRH Comm, Christine Harris -- both of whom were responsible for convening off-policy Comm Ev (a justice action in Scientology, short for Committee of Evidence) on me -- actually flying up to Brisbane to see me.

“Guess what, we’re coming to Brissy to see you and we thought we would come to your place and cook you dinner."   

I said “Sorry, but no.” (I did not want any SO people coming to my house, as they were renowned for not leaving.)

"Don't be like that, Lise. We really want to cook for you and just catch up."

“The Org has an oven.” I said.

Anyway, to cut a long story short it was a very surreal scene as I sat in the Org, eating a very nicely cooked meal with the 2 people that had previously Comm-Ev’ed me.

Life is certainly full of surprises!

The “recruit” meal did not work but I did say that I would volunteer and audit a couple of pc's until our FLAG cash cow returned.  

Stephanie proudly told me how unflat the pc's were on Objectives, because they "hadn’t had hundreds of hours" and how she was putting things right.  

She looked at me and said “You have only had 30 hours on your Objectives.” (Which certainly told me what my next C/S was to be).

I thought I would be very clever and I said “Well, luckily, I can remember all my cognitions so I am definitely not one of those who needs hundreds of hours."  

She laughed and patted my back.  That was the exact point at which I knew that 100% of NO-ONE could get a standard Bridge at ANY level!  And from all data to hand, the person totally responsible for this is none other than David Miscavige.

Here are some justifications I've heard:

"It's lost tech that has just been found." (Hidden Data Line. Outpoint: Added Inapplicable Data)
"People are not moving up the Bridge after Objectives and so they must be unflat." (Outpoint: Wrong Target)
"You saw the event and heard what COB said." (Outpoint: Wrong Source)
"Objectives is key to going OT successfully." (Outpoint: Omitted Data)
"We are very lucky that we have COB because he is so switched-on." (Outpoint: Added-Inapplicable Data)
There are literally hundreds of unused references that show the importance of Objectives. (Outpoint: Omitted Data)
For the new "lightning-fast" grades to work "correctly," the Purif and Objectives now must be thoroughly done to a full "end phenomena" (which apparently takes hundreds of hours. Outpoint: Assumed Identities aren't Identical) 

Additionally, I also received a text message recently from someone who had watched the Aussie TV show where OSA had actually taken the media into the AOSH ANZO and on TV we saw people doing clay, metered word clearing and even two ladies doing Objectives.

Just after that, my phone beeped and this is the message I received from a friend:  "If I had to do Objectives for the 3rd time like 'Dick and Jane' did, I would be doing more than touching that fucking wall!"

So, there you go. All these soft fluffy woolly blankets are to protect you from the cold hell you may go through should your Purif and Objectives be unflat because of "not enough hours."

Written by Lise O’Kane