Green Card Marriages, FSO-Style | Print |
Tuesday, 02 February 2010 14:27

Miscavige's Marriages of Convenience

The Flag Service Org, LRH's "Mecca of Technical Perfection" was the last service organization that LRH personally ran. It used to be his org and into the 1980s, the org still had that vibe about it. But in the 1990s, David Miscavige took over and he made it very clear Flag was HIS personal org. He virtually moved to Flag in the late 1990s and lived there personally overseeing all removations, and even C/Sing cases although he was not a C/S. His most notorious pc? Lisa McPherson. But if you had any Scientology auditing at all, chances are even you personally have been touched by the knowbest of David Miscavige. His latest stunt? Forcing every Scientologist to redo their entire Grade Chart from the bottom up.

Think "ka-ching!" And if by now you don't think David Miscavige is all about the money, this next story will perhaps sway you.

How would you feel if you were informed by an organization to which you had sworn your eternity, to which you gave 110 percent day in and day out, that you were about to be deported? Would you do whatever you could to be able to stay?

That was the scenario at David Miscavige's Flag Service Org in 2006, when at a staff meeting, we were handed a piece of paper with all the names of foreign staff on it. It was Command Intention for anyone who's religious worker visa was expiring to do whatever they had to do to get a green card NOW.

And how to get that green card? Why, get married to a US citizen, of course!

This was a base-wide flap. We're talking Class IX auditors, Class XII auditors and top executives on that list. And funnily enough, it was brought up by the PR staff at staff meeting, as it was a "legal ruds" situation. Legal-schmegal, it was a criminal activity.

From the briefing, we were told that this was deadly serious and it was clear that we couldn't afford to lose ANY staff because it would cut across “Command Intention,” i.e., David Miscavige’s project to man-up the Super Power team (that went on forever) and the new FSO building being built. Yet another scenario where the FSO had to expand rapidly to handle the entire world, as the rest of the orgs were being undercut continually by David Miscavige.

Instead of standardly manning up and building up Class V Orgs, so that they could flow public to the AOs and then on to Flag, he just concentrated his attention on Flag, the CASH COW. FSO regularly sent a million dollars a week up to "reserves". And he couldn't afford for that to dry up, now could he? Without auditors capable of delivering in many languages, the FSO could not maintain its high income.

Ergo, UNUSUAL SOLUTION: Get illegal staff married off to compound the illegality of it all.

It played out like this:

All unmarried US citizens were urged to choose one of the people on the list to marry before they were forced to leave the country.

At the same time, it was made clear to the soon-to-be-illegal workers that it was up to them to find a husband or wife, and to do it immediately. This was looked upon as their personal ethics situation.

They were given only two or three months to locate a suitable marriage partner and get married.

I don't know what happened or the magnitude of the flap that must have occurred on legal lines to have created this situation, but I do know the fallout: Many staff were married over that two-month period to someone they didn't even know before the announcement.

One example was a Class IX auditor who was a friend of mine. She married a top FSO reg in order to get a green card. She reviewed the crew list for eligible US citizens, chose him as the target, met up with him twice after hours and they then agreed that it would be fine to get married. The whole time, she was freaked out about "making it go right in time". Wow. Talk about romance.

I asked her if she loved him. She said she would eventually, and since he had a lot of money (being a top FSO reg -- they were the only ones who had the bucks) she could overlook his unattractiveness. Where have I heard that rationale before?

Another reg -- a Super Power reg -- locked in on a NOTs auditor who he had had his eye on for a while, and convinced her to marry him because she needed to stay in the country. This was not a marriage of love, by any means. But like something out of Borat, he got what he wanted -- sexytime!

So when you really stand back and look it over, what do you have? ...a bunch of men and women hooking up not for love, but for money. Follow it through: By getting married, the FSO could maintain it’s income, sending more than a million dollars a week to... "Command" (David Miscavige) who had total dictatorial control over Sea Org reserves. That makes the spiritual leader of the Church...


...whoring out Class IX and even Class XII Auditors to other staff for cash, baby. As Santa would say, "Ho, ho, ho."

When a person on the list got married, “Command” considered that man or woman to have their ethics were in.

After all, wasn't this the most ethical thing to do -- whore yourself out to someone you barely knew, so that you could apply for a green card and continue working at Flag? Greatest good for the greatest number, right? Even though this type of activity is totally illegal?

Now, how did the rest of the FSO staff view this (the ones NOT needing green cards)? Most of them considered it somewhat of a joke. In fact, there were running jokes on the base about how certain people would never find someone to marry in time, because after all, nobody would want them. Sad, but very true.

All of this was happening while Flag was supposed to be delivering services at the highest levels of The Bridge, guarding the entrance onto the OT levels to keep any “suppressive people out.” Some of those Flag auditors were the same ones delivering mandatory eligibility and six-month security checks to see who’d been naughty or who'd been nice. Ironic?

Yet another example of how the Church of Pimp-Daddy Miscavige operates way, way, WAY above the law.

Written by Scarlet Pumpernickel