The Great Middle Path | Print |
Friday, 22 May 2009 15:52

According to the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) the way toward light is along the great middle path. That is, an intelligent, righteous pursuit of truth that bypasses the distractions of the extremes. Neither extreme asceticism nor extreme engagement in entertainments of the flesh leads anywhere but to from below whence one came.

Observing the Scientology spectrum within such a framework is quite interesting. The extreme, reactionary far right of the spectrum is occupied by David Miscavige.  He is so obsessed with maintaining his image as the only one who is really “On Source” that he consistently implements policies (written and oral) that are changing the very nature of the subject for the worse.

Photo of Sitting BullScientology once consistently assisted people in becoming more themselves, more tolerant, more questioning of authority, more independent of thought, more insouciant, more free. Under Miscavige those pursuing the highest levels of spiritual attainment in Scientology are instead becoming less themselves and more what he wants them to be: more intolerant, less capable of independent thought, more serious, and more imprisoned.  And all that comes with an ever increasing financial price – so let's add “more worried about future survival” to the list.

Thus, Miscavige has turned the only road to total freedom into the rocky road to virtual captivity.

The extreme, rebellious far left of the Scientology spectrum is occupied by those who would not be satisfied until every last word of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard was forever destroyed. The anti-Scientology extreme cut its teeth on the purpose line of restoring freedom of speech and thought on the subject. Ironically, that very group is now demanding that everything L Ron Hubbard ever issued be burned in one colossal Spanish Inquisition-esque bonfire. 

Thus, the antis have turned freedom to think and speak into freedom to think and speak as we do.

Both extremes of the spectrum seem to have settled on one strong point of agreement. That is - getting the other guy is everything. What neither side seems to understand is that the generalization of their intentions toward one another only empowers the other side. Unfortunately, the folly of these factions comes at the expense of the largely innocent majority.

David Miscavige loves nothing more than appointing an enemy of Scientology to justify his continued, escalating abuses. To the degree criticisms are generalized to the subject or even to staff or public, Miscavige gets a pass. He is only too happy to have his own criminal acts hung on innocent people (Scientologists at large) so that he can position himself as their protector. With that sleight of hand he is encouraged by well-meaning Scientologists to continue fighting wars with unlimited resources at his disposal. His favorite pastime. 

On the other side, Miscavige pours gasoline on the critics' fire by his intolerant, aggressive, and anti-social responses to their hue and cry. Any criticism no matter how valid – and the most warranted criticism is always directed at his own conduct – is characterized by Miscavige as “anti-Scientology.” Since an SP is incapable of any self-recognition of wrong-doing, instead of correcting his abuses Miscavige steps them up and keeps producing future enemies, all the while driving mere critics into the anti-Scientology camp by his efforts to censor and destroy them.

To those who enjoy conflict and strife the opposite extremes of the Scientology spectrum are a match made in heaven. Spewing generalities is the stock-in-trade of both sides, and those generalities further empower either side. In the final analysis, those who generalize their attacks on Scientology and Scientologists are Miscavige's best friends. By the same token, Miscavige by his penchant for generalizing any valid criticism of his own conduct as “anti-Scientology” is the greatest ally of the anti-Scientologist.

Both extremes of the spectrum are busy keeping the innocent many embroiled, diverted and confused. Empowering the extreme minorities only leads the peaceful majority toward darkness. The light shines upon a place far from the dark extremes of the spectrum.

Think before lending support to either side of the darkness.

Think for yourself.

Let there be light.

Written by Sitting Bull