Declaration of Freedom | Print |
Wednesday, 25 November 2009 02:34



History is replete with times when oppressive powers take it upon themselves to limit the freedom of the general populace.

Such oppressive forces have come in many different forms and regimes ranging from political, organizational or religious in nature.

The color and shape of their structure is unimportant. What matters is that such powers host off the willingness of good people and abuse that willingness to forward their own agendas.

Such is the case with the current ecclesiastical hierarchy of the Church of Scientology.

Such as it is, this governing body, primarily controlled and dictated by one man, David Miscavige who is acting in a dictatorial position, is and has been administering the Scientology movement with oppressive means which counter the basic tenets and principles of Scientology.

Scientology in of itself, through a study of it and an application of its principles and techniques, is a road to greater personal understanding, spiritual development and a bettered culture for all.

On the simple premise that any knowledge, freely given and freely used can and will empower people, Scientology is categorically about increasing ones freedom of thought, freedom of belief and freedom of spiritual consciousness.
There are countless thousands, possibly millions, who have engaged in some form of study of Scientology.

Many of us who have studied it, whether at length or not, have come to the conclusion that the subject has been perverted and actually morphed into a “religious” regimentation, and through the use of force, coercion and threats, has been denigrated into something less than what its Founder, Mr. L Ron Hubbard wrote in his books and lectured extensively on.

With that, and with sound mind, integrity and virtue, and with a truly compassionate and sincere appreciation of the true nature of Scientology as written in its original materials by Mr. Hubbard, we do hereby declare the following.

History has dictated, once again, that the people must step forward and draw the line against oppression and dictatorial forces that inhibit or reduce the freedom of one and all. The Magna Carta which set forth new freedoms for men and women at a time when Europe was controlled by the “elite” few. The French Revolution, which put an end to suppressive aristocracy. And no less significant, the Declaration of Independence in 1776 which declared that the United States of America would no longer ally itself to a suppressive Empire across the ocean. We, as Scientologists who are true to the actual study of the materials and the freedom of their use throughout the world, by anyone, do hereby declare:

1. That in view of the oppressive and violent treatment of our own dedicated staff who are made to endure physical abuse at the hands of its leader, David Miscavige and his current hierarchy,

2. That in view of the inhumane conditions that its dedicated staff are made to live in, wherein they are not permitted the simple decency of days off to see family or friends, regular vacations, are not afforded sufficient funds to actually be able to live a decent life and are required to work extensive hours often times with insufficient sleep,

3. That in view of the introduction of arbitrary and oppressive rulings that marginalize staff members who are not permitted to marry other people in other zones of the Church as being in violation of “fraternizing rules” or whereby some staff have been forced and pressured to cease their marriages because it was inconvenient to their location or stature in the Church,

4. That in view of the fact that the staff members of the Church are denied access to full use of the internet, and in its higher order of staffing, are not even permitted to own cell phones, all in some apparent fear that they will discover the truth about what is being said outside the walls of the Church,

5. That in view of the fact that David Miscavige, since taking power over the Church of Scientology, has effectively not only allowed it to contract in size since 1990, but has driven it towards contraction through the introduction of his own brand of “Scientology”, his own mandates which he has placed senior to the formative policies of the Church, all of which has statistically reduced the Church in actual size, stature and viability for nearly two decades,

6. That in view of the fact that Mr. Hubbard set up the Religious Technology Center (RTC) to ensure that Scientology materials and management structure were never perverted or misused or abused, whereas David Miscavige, the senior-most person in RTC, has in fact betrayed that trust and that duty to the extreme, by setting himself up as the sole management pinnacle of Scientology and by having dictated his mandates in lieu of fundamental polices of the Church. While “campaigning” to get lower levels of management to do and follow the policies set down by the Founder, David Miscavige has executed a carefully planned strategy to get his own version of Church management “policy” executed – enforced by a network of RTC representatives who have and use ultimate power and fear to ensure his mandates are done without question,

7. That in view of the fact that David Miscavige has introduced a subtle reign of terror in the Church, whereby those who have gone up against him or have refuted or in any way failed to execute his mandates, are summarily removed from positions of power, reduced to degraded work or menial tasks or even expelled from Scientology,

8. That in view of the fact that the Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF), has been turned into an internment facility, reducing staff members so assigned to this “force” to years of menial work, deprived rights, degrading status and other violations of their human rights. Whereas such program, as originally dictated by Mr. Hubbard, was in fact intended to be a rapid correctional program which took a matter of a month or two to do, now takes years. Such is documented with cases of people living in the RPF for five or more years, separated from family and friends,

9. That in view of the fact that David Miscavige has set himself up as the “new” Source, in fact elevating himself above Mr. Hubbard, and clearly has demonstrated that he has “improved” upon the technology and materials, all of which has acted to denigrate the true works of its Founder,

10. That in the past ten or more years, the management structure of the Church has been reduced from a staff of highly dedicated and competent executives, to a small handful of people who are corralled and controlled by David Miscavige and who answer to him only, and who act to forward his mandates in the main,

11. That in view of the outlandish and blatant lies being promoted by his PR machine, his spokes people, and his counter-media, which deny anything that could make the Church of Scientology accountable for acts of violence, acts in violation of human rights, acts which goes against the general freedom of its parishioners to use Scientology as it should be used,

12. That in view of the fact that many of the top Scientology executives have left the organization and have openly declared their stance against its current management hierarchy,

13. And finally, and possibly most fundamentally, in view of the fact that the knowledge of Scientology was always intended by Mr. Hubbard, to be used freely and to be used to make better and freer people, it is clearly the case that under its current hierarchy, the Church of Scientology is no longer making this the case. Its parishioners are hounded, cajoled and coerced into making continuous and constant financial donations for the establishment of new centers, for materials and for other projects, whereas the actual purpose and forward thrust with such parishioners should be and always fundamentally was to give them the materials necessary to provide greater insight, greater understanding, spiritual enlightenment and in so doing, let them make better lives for themselves and others. It was never intended that the Church be turned into an organization of force, coercion and tacit threat – whereby membership within it was a matter of “staying in the good” with its powers,

14. Whereby it is our view that Scientology should be administered to and for the people, and for the purposes as stated by its Founder and that any other oppressive use of it, or oppressive mandates or regimens are a violation of its basic premise as a philosophical study of life, we do hereby state the following,

15. That we disengage any support of David Miscavige, the current “leader” of the Church of Scientology. That we disengage any agreement to or with his version of “Scientology”. That we hereby denounce his actions –whether overtly or tacitly permitted by him – which have resulted in a violation of the human rights of its staff and parishioners and violence brought upon them,

16. That we will only accept the fundamental, true and pure materials as written Mr. L Ron Hubbard, with no coloration, alteration or spin put it on these by David Miscavige or any of his current church hierarchy,

17. That David Miscavige should abdicate his position of ultimate power over the Church of Scientology, and that the Church of Scientology management hierarchy should be restored to the actual structure as envisioned and put in place by Mr. Hubbard before he passed away,

18. That a dictatorial position in Scientology, one which could in the future again become abusive of power and people and Scientology, be prohibited and that Scientology can only be administered and managed by a properly assigned management structure that is held in place by popular demand and republican style controls so that such management is for the people, and not dictatorial or authoritative in nature,

Until such time as David Miscavige should step down from his dictatorial position over the Church, and the Church of Scientology is restored to its proper management hierarchy as exactly laid out by its Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, we will not support this pseudo Church or any activity that David Miscavige has dictated.

It is our hope, that in the very near future, Scientology will be returned to its basic and fundamental principles, and that the Church of Scientology will once again be put into the hands of a sane and purposeful management body, which manages Scientology for the purposes as stated by its Founder, and not for any other power-based and oppressive agenda which counters freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom in its fundamental and most essential sense.