David Miscavige: War Crimes | Print |
Tuesday, 02 February 2010 14:59
prisonIf you've been tracking with Marty Rathbun's posts about Debbie Cook, former CO FSO - you will see that David Miscavige's crimes against humanity have being continuing up until recent times. I know, my wife and I left in '07 and we experienced the czarist dictates - with 6 months of internment and dehumanized treatment.

War crimes are not always acted upon fast enough. The 1990-91 wars between the Croats and Serbs - was a sampling of how the world stood by, even America, and did nothing while two cultures exterminated each other. People are not always too quick about stepping in on abuses.

This is the same with David Miscavige's abuses of Sea Org members. But if enough of us write about it, if enough people step forward and add their voice to the sentiment that people should not be abused, if enough of us tell the truth over and over again - eventually the world will turn an eye on David Miscavige.

He would be smart to pack up his bags and disappear now before he is forced to stand in front of a court of law and try to explain away his crimes as "mere complaints of all those terrible people out there." Unfortunately, suicidal and oppressive leaders such as himself can't see alternatives and all too often only forcfe works in ultimately removing them from power.

Truth always wins in the end. Go ask Hitler, Stalin, George W Bush and countless other suppressive - and past - leaders.  I don't think David Miscavige was always an SP - but he has certainly proven that he has so much to hide now that he has taken on the traits of a TRUE SP and can no longer lead the Church of Scientology anywhere except over the cliff. His time is up. But we don't just want him to step aside. No no no! We want him to go down in flames; we want him EXPOSED - because only in that way will the rest of the Scientology community and Sea Org members have a chance to realize that he has been deluding them and for them to see him for who he REALLY is.

We certainly don't want any of his Kool Aid drinkers taking over from him.  I have no idea who can or will lead the Church of Scientology when David Miscavige walks away. But as sure as the sun rises every day, he will go, and the person that takes over for him could just as well be the CEO of Starbucks, for certainly that man would have more respect for humanity than any of the people standing around watching David Miscavige or contributing to his antics or even putting up with his brutality.

These two quotes are appropriate:

"The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." - Kenneth Blanchard
"To lead others, embody their ideals!" - Leonid S. Sukhorukov