Crush Regging in Scientology | Print |
Monday, 04 January 2010 15:16

In case you didn't know it, in 1971, LRH found out that org registrars and Sea Org members were using "crush" sales techniques. Camouflaged under the mantle of "hard sell" - public were being exposed to seriously crush-sell techniques to force payments out of them, and it also opened the door to other financial oddities such as post-dated checks etc. LRH clamped it down and issued hatting materials to orgs on how to properly enlighten and sell - such as Big League Sales etc which came into the scene then.

Today David Miscavige has created a whole new order of crush-sell - and just in case you reacted to it at events and thought it was odd that you were having bags of books or tapes or new releases shoved in your face and asked whether you wanted to pay with credit card, check or cash, and just in case you quietly thought to yourself (like most of us) that you would NEVER bring a friend or family member to these events because you'd be too embarrassed to expose them to this treatment, you were right.

NONE of that has anything to do with Scientology.

David Miscavige once proudly announced to all management staff of the Sea Org in one of his video talks that HE makes sure that every event he puts on is fully paid for by the new releases he puts out. Of course, it has nothing to do with the fact that every Sea Org member has to sell those materials, that MAAs, Execs and RTC personnel are roaming the event space policing everyone to ensure that they are staring at public with a dedicated glare and executing the "bag drill." Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that no one is allowed to secure from these "bag drills" until sometimes 1 or 2 am or later, until the "quota" is met. But of course, the event has to be paid for and the "release stats" have to be impressive before the report goes up to David Miscavige.

Add in a serious dose of  invalidation and evaluation along the line of "oh - you did your Grades, or went Clear or did your OT levels before the Golden Age of Tech?" with a look of sympathy... all intended to make you feel like you really missed out on the real Scientology that David Miscavige has branded since 1996 - and of course - feeling sufficiently invalidated about your life changing wins which you had from your previous auditing and training - you possibly give in.

The point...?  It's called crush-selling - because that's what it does - you feel crushed. It is NOT hard sell at all - as they have all bought into. We used to do hard sell back in the day and that had to do with CARING about the person, helping them, and training them and auditing them on Scientology - the book sales usually took care of themselves.  

What David Miscavige has done is an elaborate stat push. He has made events a horror to attend. I have watched public streaming out of the events before the bag drill could start, because they didn't want to endure it.

I have a suggestion, if you must go watch a David Miscavige propaganda event, and if you enjoy clapping for him and standing up every time he announces another false statistic - at least don't support his stat push. Then maybe he won't have all the money he expected from "his release" and won't be able to waste all this money on future lavish events that accomplish nothing. Then maybe - without a "great PR" image to support him - the true David Miscavige will come into view to the general Scientology public.

Just thought you should know.

Written by Outside the Box