Clear Announcement | Print |
Saturday, 07 May 2011 12:31

by Misha Priv

I just attested Clear! I know it could never happen at Int Base with its razor wire, jail-like conditions, humiliation, lack of sleep and grotesque distortion of Truth on every dynamic. I know it couldn’t because it didn’t. I was there for 16 years. I never moved an inch on the Bridge. I never moved an inch on the Bridge for a few years after I escaped, either. It took me that long to destimulate.

I just attested Clear! Yes, Clears are being made in the Independent field where auditing session is truly a safe and theta place and a session is done for the pre-clear and not for his senior, Commanding Officer, MAA, Org Officer, CMO Messengers, IG MAA, RTC, COB or a bunch of dejected Sea Org member folk in the middle of a torturous product conference—bent out of valance to such an extent that they could probably bend over, straining just a little, and kiss their ass goodbye.

I just attested Clear! I was audited by an auditor who knows that the PC and the Auditor are greater than the PC’s bank, a free person who lives by LRH, where communication is open and free and where Floating Needle is defined by LRH and not by the reads simulator invented by Psychotic Dave in his infinite fear of people.

I just attested Clear! I was audited by a Class VIII who had never drilled auditing immortal spiritual beings by giving auditing commands to a wall and who never bought into the insanity that LRH training line-up was “the blind leading the blind.”

I just attested Clear! I did not get into debt, take a second mortgage, sell my firstborn into slavery, step on to the slippery road of crime, max out any credit cards or, in fact, incur any debt at all. Zero debt. And I missed hardly any time at work.

I just attested Clear! Church of Scientology did all it could to make sure that I never would but I did! It was easy! Just as LRH said.

Church of Scientology is like our 4th Dynamic R6 bank. Why is it still around? What keeps it in existence?

That’s what I am talking about!

Misha Priv