Turning Scientology into Fascism Print
Blogs - Thoughtful
Wednesday, 13 May 2009 06:18

Germany is a nice place. But not while Hitler was in charge.

Italy is a nice place. But not while Mussolini was in charge.

There are many parallels in history to the current state of Scientology. The point is not to compare the crimes of The Cob (pronounced cawb) to the atrocities of Hitler or Mussolini; the point is that the current regime IS a fascist state. Take any description of fascism and, viola! you have a description of The Cob's leadership. "Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach." "Extreme authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice." "Fascists advocate the creation of a single-party state. Fascists believe that nations and races are in perpetual conflict whereby only the strong can survive by being healthy, vital, and by asserting themselves in combat against the weak. Fascist governments forbid and suppress criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement."

The shoe fits.

The Cob opposes any criticism directed toward him and outwardly blames psychiatry and the media for creating conflict. Inwardly, he accuses all critics of harboring "destructive evil purposes." In other words, The Cob accuses any would-be critic of being a puppet to his or her own bad intentions and he points to examples where this was the case. Sure, throughout the history of Scientology there have been examples whereby irrational people tried to stop, pervert or subvert a good thing. But those examples pale in comparison to the bad example set by The Cob himself.


The Cob puts the squeeze on Scientologists by blaming them for "lack of participation." Through his programs and subverted groups he extorts Scientologists into "donating" huge sums of money, forcing thousands into debt. It's a protection racket no different from thugs "shaking down" local business owners for cash.

The problems created by The Cob and the incidents of his abuse are worse than you could ever know. This is a man who does not belong at the head of a spiritual movement designed to help people. The Cob is incapable of helping others. His specialty is crushing people.

Tough Love

In my case, The Cob had me in the jaws of his vice for a number of years. Yet in that thin, hard space I discovered something: there was a point of compression beyond which, like liquid, I could not be compressed. I was most unhappy but amazed nevertheless.

The next step was to figure out how to free myself from the trap. The answer came from a book by an author I don't particularly recommend; he did, however, have one remarkable statement that sprung open the jaws of the trap. He pointed out that we are a population of victims. "Stop being a victim" he said "and take responsibility for yourself." Perhaps that would be applicable to anyone on the wrong end of the abuse stick. All it know is it worked for me.

We Come Back

At the top of Scientology, Hubbard created the elite Sea Organization and gave them a humanitarian mission. The Cob changed all that and made the Sea Org into a fascist (suppressive) organization little better than a glorified collection agency of the worst kind. The Sea Org has fallen and today they're a disgrace. Yet their original mission was decent; only the toughest, most intelligent and dedicated could qualify. People with a very clean ethics record. Their motto was "We Come Back."

...well, what do you know? We're coming back alright. But this time its for The Cob and anyone foolish enough to condone, whitewash or cover up his crimes.

So, sit back. Get comfortable. It's going to be one hell of a fight.

Written by Thoughtful