CNN vs David Miscavige Print
Blogs - Thoughtful
Tuesday, 30 March 2010 10:45
Tommy Davis says that David Miscavige was "not there" when the attacks occurred. I'll tell you who was not there: Tommy Davis. Davis was only moved up to the Int base recently. The violence has been going on there since the 1980s! I know, because unlike Tommy Davis I was there non stop from 1989 until 2004. I personally saw Davis Miscavige attack several individuals, who if they fought back would have instantly been disconnected from their wives, families and friends.

Furthermore, I was never involved in any beatings. Only threatened by Miscavige, directly on several occasions because I refused to bend to his will.

Many people ask, "How come nobody fought back?" As I explained to Tom Tobin of the St Petersburg Times, "Tom, are you married? Do you love your wife? Imagine if this morning was the last time you will ever see her for the rest of your life. Sure, you'd like to beat the hell out of Miscavige, but at the cost of not even getting to say goodbye? Most men would rather take the abuse than abandon their loved ones -- since, if you get kicked out, your wife will still be there in harms way."

And the proof of that is look who the Church of Miscavige trotted out to discredit Marty? His ex wife. Guess who Jenny Linson

In the end, I did walk out. It took nearly three months to get out of there, but I did at the cost of my marriage, and everything else, and after 20 years on staff started life over from scratch at 46 with a severance of $500 from the Church of Miscavige.

Once I got things in order, I started to speak out and today run a rather large website for the purpose, which is a distinct thorn on the side of the Miscavige camp. The point is not retribution, however; it is to stop the abuse and to bring justice.

Church response to the dozens of whistle blowers who's information is posted on my website can be summarized thusly: "Discredit, discredit, discredit." In doing so, they are "following" a twisted policy of Hubbard to always attack, never defend. Whatever is said, Tommy Davis will just swear "It never happened." It is also policy to put together packs of "evidence" proving every allegation "false." But If one knows what policy they are operating on, it becomes quite easy to see through the veil.

For example, if anyone says David Miscavige beat up someone, the Church will supply pages of receipts "proving" that Miscavige was somewhere else all during that month.

Top-level staff knowingly lie in a misguided effort to protect the religion. They think if Miscavige were to go down, the whole religion would be endangered. This is sheer idiocy, since Miscavige is the snake on the neck of Scientology pumping in venom; nothing can heal or grow until the snake is pulled off.

Imagine this: Two guys bring a third man to the ER. The doctor starts to examine the patient and sees a live rattler still attached to his neck. "There's a snake on his neck!" exclaims the Doctor. Instead of pulling the snake off, the friends bring in doctor's ex wife who explains, "My snake never bit anyone. The Doctor is lying. Actually, he is the one who bit the patient."

Those staff -- Norman Starkey, Jenny Devocht and others really ARE that loony and stupid. And they got that way by following David Miscavige and taking his extreme abuse.

I don't blame anyone for the animosity they feel toward Scientology, it is actually been created actively by David Miscavige since his income depends on "fighting wars." He has the financial motive to keep things as they are, i.e., to keep Scientology "misunderstood." Scientologists who know what the philosophy is all about want desperately to help the world understand the philosophy... which means they flow millions of dollars into a "war chest" for the purpose. That war chest is what pays for David Miscavige's $500 Egyptian hand tailored shirts, his cars, homes, chefs, hair stylist and make up crew who follow him where ever he goes, and his army of Private Investigators who he sends against any whistle blower including myself.

The key is, we ex-staff know their game plan. We know their rule book and how it is being twisted. We aren't denying anything, just being truthful in exposing the abuses so they can be ended. And we, each one of us, survived David Miscavige's infamous Int Base where hellish psychological abuse was the daily fare raining down from David Miscavige, a true sociopath if there ever was one.

We are the ones he could not break. And now we are doing something about him no matter the cost.
