Grant Cardone Lays Off 80 of His 180 Employees Without Notice: 10X Being Hammered to -OX by the Coro | Print |
Wednesday, 25 March 2020 10:10


EXCERPT from blog:

Karma’s a bitch: Many people who have lost their jobs in layoffs won’t be able to pay Cardone the rent on his apartments. In this economy, it’s going to be harder than ever to evict tenants. In some jurisdictions, evictions have been made illegal. Other people may stay in Cardone’s apartments as long as they can, bail out on back rent owed, and then move in with their families or find cheaper rent elsewhere. Cardone arrogantly bragged in a video the other day that the courts aren’t open and so no one is going to sue anyone. He seemed to be alluding to the fact that his laid off employees can’t sue him. According to reports on social media, these employees got a letter from Grant’s attorney along with their walking papers. The letter, and we are working to obtain a copy, apparently stated that these employees had no legal rights to sue Cardone Capital. Grant’s view on the courts may come back to haunt him when he tries to sue current or former tenants for back rent owed and gets court dates three or four years out.