Scientology trial ~ The 5 crucial points of Danny Masterson’s court case | Print |
Monday, 14 November 2022 21:50

A review of the current court case in Los Angeles Criminal Courts where Danny Masterson is being tried for sexual assault. These are the TOP 5 points covered in this video: 1. Three women came forward to report the same incident to the Los Angeles Police Department: actor Danny Masterson had allegedly offered them a drink which made them semi-incapacitated, and then coerced them into physical relations. 2. When one of these women reported the incident to a Scientology ethics officer she was told “There is no such thing as r*pe” when you are in an intimate relationship. Another Ethics Officer told one of the women that she needed to supply physical intimacy to Danny on demand in EXCHANGE for living rent-free and having her meals paid for. 3. Lisa Marie Presley, who was friendly with one of the women, was asked by Scientology staff to persuade her to NOT go to LAPD to report the assault. Lisa has subsequently apologized to the woman for doing this. 4. Scientology (or any other cult) is ALWAYS the 3rd party, ever present in any intimate relationship and in Scn, anything voiced in counselling is carefully kept for blackmail, publication and control in the future. 5. Jane Doe 4 was the fourth witness to Masterson’s “signature” of drugging before sexual assault. She had no “fish to fry” – she wants no money from this case, only justice. Jon and Karen discuss details directly from court records. Journalist Tony Ortega has been faithfully transcribing the daily court prosecution and defense arguments at for those who want to learn more. Note that Danny Masterson was in the Scientology for 40 years - this is an organization that takes “pride” in their HIGH ETHICS and HIGH technology.