Are you really bad? | Print |
Monday, 23 May 2011 12:32
I’d like to share a little insight I had on the subject of guilt. Scientology is about empowering people, building them up, restoring their certainty of who they are and the rules of the game, and restoring their freedom.

However, the Sea Org, as it has morphed under the tutelage of David Miscavige and his camp, have effectively committed one of the greatest crimes on people of good will – by making them feel guilty.

Like so many others who joined the Sea Org with a good heart and purpose, I played the game and poured my soul into it. Then came the day when someone said that I was bad, and proceeded with sufficient force, lies and group coercion, to convince me that it was “true”. I then spent years trying to find out why “I was bad”. When I thought I had a handle on it, I poured the coals on again, worked my ass off to help people, and then one day someone came along and said that I was bad, that I was guilty of terrible crimes and “overts” against mankind, and proceeded to drum up a case that effectively drove my anchor points about 3 inches inside my skull, introverted me into thinking that I must be a terrible criminal, withholding horrendous deeds against humanity, and then I spent another block of years soul searching to find out why “I was bad”. Naturally, hundreds of hours of sec checking later, most of it complete crap, as we ran valences since we couldn’t find anything on me to amount to anything, I came up empty handed. Now, in retrospect, I see what happened. The problem was axiomatic. The indication, or label, that one “is bad” IS the lie.  It’s a lie because it is contradictory to everything that is true about life, and even true about Scientology. The minute one agrees that he or she is bad, or guilty of terrible things, the person tends to mock it up, create it as a “fact” in their own universe, and then proceeds to find out why they are bad.  Evil exists because we say it does, so if you agree that you’re evil, then you are.

It perpetuates the lie, and actually results in making the person smaller, weaker, and less able.

This is the process that the Sea Org, as it has evolved in the past several decades under DM’s control, is using to “control” Sea Org members. If one doesn’t perform well, doesn’t toe the line, or steps over boundaries, the punishment is to be labeled as “bad”, “disaffected”, “frying other fish”, “criminal”, or any other label conveniently used to encourage introspection, introversion, and the minute one buys into it, one is controlled.  It doesn’t make better people – it makes malleable people – which is exactly what DM and his camp strives to achieve.

It should be a part of Sea Org hatting, that if one is going to commit themselves to a billion year ride, with total dedication, then one must also know how SPs will use that commitment against one, to control, mind-warp and manipulate one and ultimately turn one’s dedication into “unchallenged obedience”.

The trick is nothing new. The Catholic church has been doing it for centuries; believe in god and Jesus Christ, or go to hell. Do as we say and you are not a sinner, but step out of line and you’re bad, you’re going to the “other place”.

DM’s camp uses the same technique. Down the whole track, we have all been tricked into believing that we were bad, inherently dangerous if we stayed free and big and utterly ourselves. Bit by bit, the walls have been closed in using lies which all amounted to “you’re bad”, “you can’t trust yourself”, “you could hurt others” – and the minute that we bought into those we started mocking up the very condition that was force fed us. We created our own disabilities.

The Sea Org, a la DM style, does precisely the same thing. If you’ve been there, you know what I mean. So, if you want to get your head unwrapped, and if you want to decompress yourself, I’d highly recommend taking a look at all the times when you were convinced that you were bad, evil, out-ethics, a criminal, anti- management, or whatever redundant and pathetic lines were used to introvert you. See it for it was – CONTROL.

Use the Scientology Axioms – spot the truth – and you’ll feel a lot better.

This doesn’t mean that ethics technology is bad, but keep in mind, ethics is there to make you feel better and do better, so if it accomplished the opposite, it wasn’t “ethics” – because ethics is native to a person. Scientology is about freeing minds, not enslaving them, which is why the Sea Org today has become problematic to the entire goal of the Scientology movement.

Outside the Box