Sea Org Resignation: Chris Guider Print
Wednesday, 01 September 2010 11:57

For many years, Chris Guider was Inspector General MAA RTC, a very senior post. Besides being OT V and a Class IX auditor, Chris is a Scientology Magistrate -- among the most highly trained Ethics staff in the world. Chris was the person who handed me my SP declare when I routed out from the Int base. Now, he too has seen the light and is out. Chris is yet another ex-RTC member who, as a real Scientologist, has come forward to blow the whistle on David Miscavige and his corrupt organization. Chris is also an HSSC, FPRD Aud, and has done OEC Levels 0, 1 and 2. Chris and his wife just had a son. - Thoughtful

24 years ago, I agreed to a billion year contract with the Sea Organization. I knew what I thought this meant: I made my decision out of a quest to help my fellow man, help the planet.

I committed my all to this agreement and the contract I signed. For 24 years I worked; I endeavored to assist this group. I made decisions and took actions to forward this group.

Although many times I was troubled I continued on this course.

For me on a personal level this was a wretched existence and one I wish I never did. The group known as the Sea Org was founded by L. Ron Hubbard but is now run by David Miscavige. Although the group professes a humitarian mission to help mankind, in reality it has become and is a ravenous group that takes and then takes more. Like a cloud of locusts it eats and feeds and will leave nothing.

Pity those that remain trapped inside, subjected to the dictates of a madman.

No spirit of goodness or love is allowed; goodness and love does not exist in this group.

However the most beautiful people I have met abound and not because of this group but because they are.

Dan Koon, in his article entitled "A New Model for Scientology" is right -- where it can be practised in a self-determined fashion and where the wins and gains and technology are free.

Steve Hall is right in his article "Connecting the Dots" -- damn the villain and let's all enjoy life and make it an even better world and use the technology to help whoever and wherever we can.

In April 1986 I joined on, I owed that group nothing then and I owe them nothing now.

I am my own person, I exist, I create, I live independant of that association.

Moving into the future with all of you.

Chris Guider